Monday, May 23, 2022

Peonies yo-yo (you might say)


Yes I found more photos to share of peonies!

One day they're here...

The next they're gone. Did I tell you our Peony loving thief (PLT) rides in an electric wheelchair? So she's somewhat limited in where she can drive and pick flowers.

Another flower bed has three different peony plants...or maybe more! It's off the track the PLT rides usually, so she hasn't been breaking off any of these flowers, that I could tell!

And I wouldn't want her driving into this dirt on this slope either! Soon there will be irises!

These brilliant ones took my breath away!

But lest you think me a peony snob...I also saw some early day lilies.

I hope you have a delightful week ahead. Next weekend is a holiday weekend in the US (Memorial Day is next Mon, May 30.)


  1. Hello,
    The peonies are beautiful, I like the daylilies too. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen...I enjoy your Monday posts where you don't take comments. Have a great week yourself!

  2. More beauties! Love that white! This may be the year I give peonies a go again. Last time I tried was a failure due to draught and moths infestation.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. I've never grown Peonies myself, so I enjoy seeing these prolific plants.

  4. Replies
    1. I noticed some Stella D'Oros, but it is too wet to go out and take their photo today!

  5. You see such beautiful flowers there.

    1. I'm hoping to visit a place with more flowers later in the week, if it ever stops raining!

  6. You can often get away with minor misdemeanours when you're in a wheelchair. I used to regularly take my mother through a farmyard that said "No Right Of Way". On one occasion the farmer opened the gate for us.

    1. Good point. I was kind of angry with her at first, because she was taking the flowers away from the rest of us. But then I figured how her life is so much more difficult than mine, so I was ok with her enjoying these in her home.


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