Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Church in Madison County NC

I'm adding this since Tuesday's news was so awful when I learned about Uvalde TX kids in a primary school being shot and killed by another young man with guns. 

First I am sad, and feel such despair that parents and teachers and staff of elementary school kids have again had this happen...AGAIN!! I wish I could send hugs to all those crying in Uvalde...this should never have happened, and it's terrible that it did. Many good people died yesterday...many children who had their whole lives ahead of them. I can't send thoughts and prayers any more, not one more time. 

Maybe Biden's anger at the politicians and the gun lobby will help some law get passed to restrict those automatic weapons. If they decide instead (probably) to put into effect a law that people with mental illness should not be allowed to have guns, I will not be happy at all.  Many people who have high anxiety or depression, or another diagnosis, may have a gun to protect their families and homes. They are not likely to go shoot kids at school. 

The problem is availability of guns. The Problem Is AVAILABILITY! That must have a law against it. MUST HAVE A LAW for our nation's children's sake.

 For this week's Skywatch Friday.

The trip to Vicki Lane's house...

We left Vicki's home and drove a different way, for a while anyway. I wish I knew the name of this sweet church!

The highway cut right between the church and one of its cemetaries.

There were more old graves beside the church as well.

I found it on Google Maps, and there even was a 3D shot from the road, much as mine.
...but still no name. It's at the junction of Walnut St/Rd. and something else.

Today's quote:
Your worth- it is an immeasurable and unchanging manifestation of your eternal and infinite oneness with the universe. It represents the cornerstone of the dual foundations of optimism and self-belief. Your worth cannot be taken from you or damaged by life's rigors, yet it can easily be forgotten or even actively ignored. By regularly acknowledging your self-worth, you can ensure that you never forget what an important, beloved, and special part of the universe you are.  
Daily Om


  1. ...I love a simple white country church.

    1. Me too, and often you'll find me stopping and visiting all the ancestors in the cemeteries. They may not be my blood but they were in a community with others much like my families.

  2. My heart goes to the families of this latest mass shooting. It is time to take action, prevent and stop these killings. The church is cute! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I am still angry, and know it is my grief process toward this senseless ongoing killing. I found a good meditation on Daily Om today about grieving. I do enjoy these old churches too. Have a good rest of the week!

  3. I an out of the loop after the lengthy power outage and I can’t catch up with all posts from everyone, but I am pleased that you were able to visit Vicki.

    1. Isn't it amazing how our lives come back to survival when our energy needs aren't available! Hope all is ok with your home by now.

  4. It's been a horrific incident. I doubt extremists, like the NRA, is going to let anything be done.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. You are probably a realist, Jenn...unfortunately. But I'm so tired of the many deaths!

  5. It's not been a church for many years. I think it was Methodist or Presbyterian but not sure. It's a gorgeous building and was recently given to a local charity but what their plans for it are, I don't know. It has no rest rooms and, with the graveyard all around it, no way of putting in a septic tank.

    As for the most recent shooting--we are being held hostage by a group of Republican politicians who have sold their souls to the NRA.

    1. Thanks for more info about the little church. Susan also sent me a copy of a historic marker. I'll add this info to the original post as a PS. Shootings are ghastly. I'm so angry still toward the un-representatives in Congress. Not so much at the stupid guys who pulled the triggers.

    2. Decided to post a new post with this info and the historic marker in front of church.

  6. It is a very sad country we live in that we value guns over lives. No one should be able to buy an assault rifle. We had that ban once but those taking NRA money in both parties upended that. When will it end? How many more people have to die so needlessly?

  7. I read somewhere this morning that people are talking about arming teachers as a solution. Is that not the most ridiculous answer to these horrific acts of ongoing violence?
    Lovely photos, a nice balance to these crazy times.

    1. I've heard this too, as a stop-gap measure definitely. And where it was about to become law, the law didn't include any training for teachers to be able to handle guns safely! Ye Gods! What's the matter with those asinine people?

  8. A lovely church.

    The NRA and the politicians they have in their pocket will never admit there's a problem even if a massacre broke out at one of their conventions

  9. Nice photos! I am disappointed in the sad state of humanity and what has become of our democracy. Greed seems to be paramount.

  10. Replies
    1. Me too...but didn't stop for long to watch them...lots of families, with daddy goose very on guard!

  11. What a beautiful little church. It provides some hope given all this craziness and insanity going on.

  12. I miss the simplicity of old churches painted in white. I think this is lovely!


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