Friday, April 1, 2022

Skywatch Friday and a scientific announcement


From my trip in Montreat NC the other day...some pretty clouds above a residence.

Sharing with Skywatch Friday.

Hope you are not fooled by anyone on April Fools Day!

One of the little bridges over Flat Creek in the playground...same sky! Does this look familiar maybe?

A closed building beside the stream.

And finally looking at Lake Susan, which is behind the dam which controls the flow of the stream. Even though there had been heavy rains the day before, the stream was not flooded at the playground.

And Science Says...

NASA has confirmed that we know of more than 5,000 worlds outside of our solar system. It's a groundbreaking moment for the fairly young field of exoplanet science -- and experts estimate that there are likely billions of exoplanets waiting to be found.

Image of possible exoplanets.

I made a deal with myself...?myself, I said, I promise to let you sit at the computer for an hour, then you must tend to the laundry." I agreed and enjoyed 2 ricecakes and a diet Dr. Pepper, while reading blogs, FB and emails from all over the world.  A train engine is beeping it's horn at the intersection down the hill, and it may be the same one I saw at the laundromat which is also perched above the track...just an engine, perhaps ready to do some switching work.

Now where's that Quote for Today?

Today's quote:
There is power in knowing your personal limits -- your willingness to accept these limits can give you the means to flourish.


  1. Hello,
    Pretty skies and photos. A lovely view of the lake and pretty flowers. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hi Eileen...14 hours after you commented! I'm looking foward to seeing the critters on your blog tomorrow!

  2. There were some amazing clouds yesterday!

    1. Yes, and thankfully no smoke, here at least. I hope TN's wildfires are out now.

  3. Did you actually keep your part of the deal with yourself?

    1. Of course. I enjoyed the computer reading, then went to move laundry around from one place to another.

  4. Was fooled but love the bridge shot

    1. Sorry you got fooled...and I'm glad you like the little bridge.

  5. Beautiful skies there. Makes me wonder what the skies look like around all those news planets.

    1. Excellent thought, Robin. Hopefully one will be within a thousand light years and have breathable air.

  6. Beautiful skies, and interesting science article!

    1. Thanks Spare Parts...glad you liked it. I enjoyed seeing your pics today too!

  7. We've snow today. I would like some blue sky!

    1. Oh no, not again! I guess you don't count the days of's just a long winter! I'll send some warm breezes your way...whoosh. Oops, not that hard!

  8. Replies
    1. THanks Tom...I had to scroll back to see which house. It's probably a faculty home for Montreat College.

  9. I took a peek at the article you sited. This is a fascinating topic ... my guess is there are far more than 5,000 that one day will also be revealed!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.