Monday, April 18, 2022

Lunch under the red umbrellas

 Lunchtime in Black Mountain!

Author, Vicki relaxing with choices for lunch before she returns to her Madison County home.

Friend Susan who I've lunched with in the past at the Lake Tomahawk lunch program for seniors.

Some days a selfie is just not worth taking!

We had had an enjoyable reading by Vicki Lane at the Library, of her latest book "And the Crows Took Their Eyes." The program was jointly sponsored by the Library and the Swannanoa History Museum. 

Both Susan and I had met Vicki previously...and she mentioned us in recognition of our support on FaceBook and her blog while her book was in progress. Susan had even contributed some letters from the period during which it took place...which Vicki used to help develop the voices of some of the real historic persons in her book.

I've mentioned that book before...Here.

If you like historic fiction, I highly recommend this book...about a massacre that really happened during the Civil War, and some of the people involved on both sides of that conflict.

Today's quote:

You say ‘I’ and you are proud of this word. But greater than this — although you will not believe in it — is your body and its great intelligence, which does not say ‘I’ but performs ‘I’.

—Friedrich Nietzsche
Thus Spoke Zarathustra


  1. I’m sure that was a lovely event and lunch.

  2. Hello,
    Sounds like a lovely day, with the reading and lunch.
    Have a happy day and a great new week!

    1. I am so glad to get to know Vicki better, and really enjoyed her explanation of events in the book! I hope you enjoy the next week, Eileen!

  3. So nice you were able to visit with Vicki and have lunch too. I enjoyed her book and plan to read it again one day.

    1. I got a lot more out of reading it the second time. It was so intense, I also pushed to read it quickly both first and second times. I really enjoyed getting to know Vicki better, having read her blog for years!

  4. Lovely that you all met up. I've been reading Vicki's blog for years - and very much enjoyed that book too.

    1. It's really neat to meet fellow bloggers in person. I'd met Vicki a few years earlier, so I knew the person matches her blog persona to a "T" - and I'm glad you have also known her here in blogland for so long. Great book!

  5. A reading and lunch sounds like a great afternoon.

    1. Sometimes I'm so grateful to have mobility, and pleasant things to do every day! Retirement has lots of draw-backs, but all in all I'm satisfied.

  6. I would love a lunch out and a reading. I'm amazed by those who write historical books--so much time and research.

    1. Vicki sure did a lot of research! I remember several years of her speaking of going places to get more information...on her blog mainly.

  7. Isn't that fun!
    I don't know too much about your Civil War, other than what I've read of historical fiction.

    1. It was a terrible war, and my family ancestors fought on both sides. But all war is terrible in my thinking.

  8. Replies
    1. THanks...I always offer the subject to see their portrait, but Vicki didn't want to. I took a second shot of Susan actually!

  9. Thanks, Barb! It was such a pleasure spending time with you and Susan.

    1. I was so delighted to have a chance to sit with you and relax together. Yes, you are the same person who wrote the book, and who blogs, and who sat with me and Susan...none of that celebrity hoopla on you!

  10. That title makes me squinch up my eyes. I am going to look at her blog. The lunch looks delightful.

    1. Not sure why the title made you squinch your eyes. Please do look at Vicki's's often showing some fun things she does with her granddaughter these days. And living on a farm on the side of a mountain means lots of pretty things.


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