Sunday, April 3, 2022

Kiwano Horned Melons


Along with other exotic's a new one for me.

I admit to only having tried Kiwis when they are served on a platter. I tried one slice, but don't remember whether I liked it or not. Maybe before I die I'll try another slice.

Today's quote:

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. 

-Edmund Hillary, mountaineer and explorer (20 Jul 1919-2008)


  1. If you'd posted about horned melons a couple of days ago I'd have suspected an April Fools prank, but as it is I'll have to believe you. I'll keep an eye out for them in case they attack me!

    1. Ah, my timing is off. Glad you're looking out for fruit attacks!

  2. Hello,
    I have tried Kiwi, it is tasty if it is sweet. Great quote.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. I will have to try it again. Thanks for the info. Have a great week!

  3. Replies
    1. I hope that's per pound...which you never know till you check out. But even then...

  4. I responded over at my place, but it you're like me (for your sake I hope you're not 😇), you won’t go back to check. Two things. One is that that bible photo shoot was deliberately low key. The other is that they are still very clear on both my monitor and devices.

    1. OK, glad to have a response to my concern about difficulty seeing these photos. I may need to clean my glasses, who knows! And sometimes I do go back if I know I asked a question!

  5. I think I've only tried a kiwi once and have never even heard of Horned Melons. Not sure I would try a taste of that.

    1. I need to find out who knows how to prepare them...and as with most fruits, how do you tell if it's ripe? And then how do you open it? There's a lot to learn about an exotic (to me) fruit.

  6. I've seen the horned melons in the grocery but haven't tried one. What I really want to try is a dragonfruit--beautiful but pricey. I could rationalize it as a learning experience for Josie . ..except she probably wouldn't take aa taste. She does like kiwis, however.

    1. Cool. I took a photo of dragonfruit too one day at Ingles. Wonder if I've already posted it here. Again, exotic fruits mean I need to learn three aspects, when they are ripe, how to open for whatever is to be eaten, and how to prepare for a meal. Let me know if you try it out!!

    2. I tried a dragon fruit once, but it wasn't anything special. Perhaps it wasn't ripe enough. Kiwi fruits of all three colours we love!!
      Now horned melons...look interesting!!!

  7. I never heard of horned melons.

    1. There is this small section in the produce department which has fruits I call exotic...those I don't know how to buy/prepare/eat. This is one!

  8. Horned Melons, is that what they are called? I have seen them but not tasted them.

  9. Horned melons look strange! Not very appetizing.


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