Friday, March 11, 2022

Walk in the winter woods


On the other side of the creek, up a steep bank, is the only road into Montreat, Highway 9 N.

Flat Creek is anything but flat, as it flows over rocks almost continuously.

It's nice to walk in winter, when there aren't as many leaves blocking your view.

Today's quote:

The rising hills, the slopes,

of statistics
lie before us.
The steep climb
of everything, going up,
up, as we all
go down.

In the next century
or the one beyond that
they say,
are valleys, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it.

To climb these coming crests
one word to you, to
you and your children:

stay together,
learn the flowers,
go light.

Gary Snyder, from Turtle Island


  1. Very pleasant to join you on your walk through the woods. And especially to find a favourite poem at the end of the trail; I've been trying to learn the flowers and go light for fifty years now.

    1. Thanks for joining me here, as I usually enjoy your walks! Glad you were familiar with that quote...I have lots of poems I like but usually share only a "pithy saying"!

  2. ...let's take this walk again when the rhododendron are in bloom.

    1. Oh yes...though many of these rhodos don't have flowers, some sure will! Mother's Day is usually full of them up on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  3. Hello,
    What a wonderful walk, lovely trail and woods. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. I should certainly walk there more often. Though stopping to take photo frequently takes away from the benefits of exercise, and it's a very short walk if I don't stop all the time!

  4. Yeah, the bare branches of winter do have their place.

    1. Being able to see through those branches helps a lot. Their interlacing patterns are sort of pretty also.

  5. That was a lovely walk. It reminds me that spring is coming.

    1. No footprints on my walk, except in muddy spots, compared to your walks in woods.

  6. Lovely wintry walk there and spring is on its way!
    I love that poem so much. It is one of my most favorite Gary Snyder poems. I think of it so often. Thank you for reminding me today.

  7. You sure have some beautiful spots to take a walk. I enjoyed seeing where you went. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks, glad to bring you along on my little walk. Have a great weekend yourself.


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