Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The poor geese

 A long story of woe...especially when trying to save on gas usage!

But when I had almost finished with it, I found these poor little Canada Geese...drinking out of a puddle of water beside Hwy 70 in East Asheville, in a parking lot.

I drove by in the parking lot, trying to get their photo, but not to disturb them. There were cars whizzing by on the highway, not 10 feet from them.

My long story had to do with the bank across from the geese. It seems my debit/credit card had not arrived, following my bank's becoming Truist Bank sending these new cards out. So I called and tried to get them to correct the address. However they told me I had to go into the bank.

So I did that, and then went to use my current debit/credit card from my original bank. It was declined.

So I made my purchase in cash, then drove back to the bank. I would now be waiting 8-10 days for a new card, and until then wouldn't be able to charge a thing...nor use the current card at an ATM. So I wrote myself a check for a larger amount than I usually need for 2 weeks of purchases. I mentioned the reason I was getting this cash to the teller, who told me I could get a temporary card.

I said it would have been nice to have had that offered before, but I was ok taking cash.

I am seriously looking into doing business with another bank that still has a branch in my town, so I don't have to drive over 10 miles each way to use this new one. They closed the local branch in Black Mountain. It had been very convenient before. 

So between my gas usage and these poor geese, I had a blue Friday.

Today's quote:

One day I was speeding along at the typewriter, and my daughter -- who was a child at the time -- asked me, "Daddy, why are you writing so fast?" And I replied, "Because I want to see how the story turns out!" -Louis L'Amour, novelist (1908-1988)


  1. Hello,
    I hope the geese stay safe, so close to the street. I can't remember the last time I used cash to pay for anything. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Good day to you also Eileen. Thanks for stopping by,

  3. that is customer service for you!

  4. It's such a pain when banks change ownership.

    1. And they all keep doing that! Nothing is still a local bank!

  5. The bank doesn't seem very customer friendly. Were the geese still there after your last trip to the bank?

    1. Geese were there while on my last trip. Hope they could fly to a lake or river.

  6. Bummer about the new card and the bank. They don't seem to be very much into good customer service. I hope thing work out with the new card. And, I hope those geese find a nicer place to hang out.

    1. I hope I receive it this time. And me too, hope the geese went somewhere a bit quieter.

  7. My bank branch has been closed since the pandemic started so I would be stressed if I had to actually go to the bank. I hope the card issue works out. We are so dependent on them these days.

    1. I agree. I started this by going to the bank to see if they had the correct address, which apparently they didn't. I wish I didn't have 3 automatic payments set up already. I dread changing them and working on getting a new bank.

  8. Barbara, We had a bank in Chicago that was bought out by another bank. What a pain! The good news for us was that we never use debit cards and we have 3 different credit cards with 3 different banks. I track every or that we're retired. You certainly did experience horrid customer service! Love the photo that you used for a header! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks for liking the header. I can go on line usually and see what payments have cleared. I dare say all banks do that now.

  9. Our bank was closed down last Oct and now I have to go to the next town to deposit my check. The company that sends me the check won't direct deposit it for me. Once a month I hop on the bus which is free and ride to the next town. A pain but at least I don't worry about getting there. That is terrible service that you got from the new bank. I would find another one to do your service. Enjoy your day hopefully it won't be blue.

    1. I feel like you on having to go to another area to get service for your own money. Geese!

  10. Banks are closing here too. It's a huge nuisance, especially since I'm deaf and don't use the telephone. I'm amused by your geese drinking from the puddle. You'd think they could find a nicer spot for refreshments!

    1. I hope the geese found a better place. Banks used to be full of good service, and gave prizes when you opened an account...toasters, and lots of steak knives!

  11. Always count on one goose to be the lookout.

    1. I think of how hard it would be for them to take off from that little parking lot. I do hope they found a better place too.

  12. Well that is mighty inconvenient, both about the card and the distance.

  13. So sorry to hear of all the hassle with your bank. I dislike debit cards as I always feel they are easier to scam. Hope all can be resolved.

  14. Yes, a lot of folks are unhappy with Truist. Suntrust (the other bank that was merged) had already closed most of their branches here but BB&T had a branch in almost every town. Now Truist is closing many of those branches. Some folks are switching to credit unions.

    Banks seem to think everyone banks online. I pay many bills online but I like to go to the bank for other services.


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