Monday, March 21, 2022

The Atlantic and other scientfic things


That's the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, that is.

I've always been fascinated by geology. Our continents that are actually moving around still, creating volcanoes and earthquakes, and occasionally mountains.

I also love astronomy...which always makes me feel very small, and yet blessed to be living at this time when people are also reaching for the stars in small efforts on their space stations and rockets.

Peculiar Galaxies of Arp 273

I went outside the other night when I knew the International Space Station (ISS) would be flying over. But I only caught a couple of glimpses as the partly cloudy sky covered it's path. The full moon hadn't come up past the trees, so I did get a look at an almost dark sky...but the clouds were lighter than the background. When I've seen it before, I felt so awestruck to see some tiny bright object flying over which contains astronauts from different countries. There are Russians and Americans, and I don't know who else up there right now. I wonder what they think of the war in the Ukraine.

How do I know when the ISS is going to go over my exact house when and where? I signed up for notification from

Today's quote:

Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions. 

-Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (8 Jun 1867-1959)


  1. I wonder if the astronauts in the Space Station are aware that people go outside in the middle of the night just to watch them pass overhead?

    1. Well, it's never the middle of the night, rather close to sunset, so I'm still awake. But I wonder if the ISS people ever think anyone is looking up at them! Good thought!

  2. Hello,
    I was thinking about the Russians in the Space station yesterday, I wonder how they are all feeling.
    Take care, have a happy new week!

    1. They had photos of the 3 Russians arriving at ISS in yellow suits with blue trimming...with a caption saying they were thus in favor of Ukrainian independence. I think those uniforms were already decided before Ukrainian attacks were all probability. But when the conversation comes around to the war, I wonder if the Russians can express their own feelings at all.

  3. ...and some still believe that the earth is flat!

  4. Plate tectonics is/are awesome.
    I get that update, but I have never followed it up. It would be a bit of a drive to see it.

    1. Well I hope some summer evening you all do go out where you can see the sky...maybe that park near the river! It is sort of like an event that happens rarely enough but is worth the contemplation of it while it's happening.

  5. I wish we had clearer skies here on the California north coast. We don't get to see the night sky as often as I would like. It would be such a treat to see the Space Station.

    1. I usually have to hold my hand up to counter a nearby light...but somehow the ISS is bright enough that I can see it just slowly but surely traveling across the sky...sort of like the speed of a bicycle compared to highway traffic!

  6. Hi Barbara
    I also love science of all kinds! Always have and it made me become an RN when I was young as that was the path that was available to me in those years. I think now I would have pressed on to get an MD degree if I had been able. I did see the space station go overhead here once--it was a bright moving light in the sky and fun to spot!

    I checked the soda bread link on my blog and it worked for me? It's a good and easy bread to make. It makes one loaf so I triple it to give one loaf each to my kids--they love it! I also make it year round. It's an older blog post from when my blog was new and brought back memories.

    1. Thanks for checking the link for me. Lots of trouble yesterday with Chrome and even FaceBook...they kept just dumping sites and then the whole carrier. So I restarted laptop. It continued to do it. No trouble far!

  7. We have way too many cloudy days that you can't get a good view.

    1. Some days I think the same our terrain likes to capture clouds each evening...but sometimes it's wispy and lets me see the moon. I don't bother on many of the sightings when I know rain is forecast.

  8. The night sky is an eternal source of fascination and wonder. I remember being in Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America and looking up. The clarity was staggering. Far brighter than I had ever seen,

    1. What a great place to have visited. Please tell us a story about that trip sometime!

  9. Replies
    1. And it's right there available for everyone to see. The Polynesian peoples apparently memorized their maps that were based on stars and could sail from one island to another...just as Europeans did to the Americas much later.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.