Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The littlest orchid

I didn't forget...just had that wildlife interruption.

Here's the beautiful orchid in all her finery! Taken Feb. 5, 2022. (I have to write out the date so I get used to this 22 now).

Having moved plant and Ms. Giraffe to printer which isn't being used right now, I like this placement!

Today's quote:

"When we let ourselves respond to poetry, to music, to pictures, we are clearing out a space where new stories can root, in effect we are clearing a space for new stories about ourselves."  in Art Objects by Jeanette Winterson

'The passage just quoted nails, for me, precisely why we need art in our lives and not just the familiar, repetitive stories of mass entertainment, enjoyable as they may be. Entertainment amuses, distracts, and consoles us, and that has its use and it has its value, but it's not the same use or value of art. Art enlarges us. Transforms us. Heals what is broken inside us. Deepens our understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world around us.   Terri Windling Myth and Moore


  1. It always interests me that, while orchid flowers are perfect little studies in symmetry and balance, the whole plant seldom has any desire to make a pleasing shape and just straggles all over the place and always needs training with little stakes and bits of string (or giraffes!).

  2. Hello,
    Love the beautiful orchid and your giraffe. Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...I have never been successful getting orchids to rebloom. You sure have the knack.

    1. I just ignore them in partial sun and rain all summer. The have all these roots reaching out like they're starving. Guess I should give them some fertilizer (Miracle-Grow).

  4. How beautiful! My yellow orchid is finally opening too.

  5. That is such a beautiful yellow orchid.

    1. It really is sweet, and will need a new pot in the spring.

  6. That is quite a prodigious blooming.

    1. But I don't think that last bud is going to open, since I moved it. Drat.

  7. What a lovely orchid. We have a white one. I have a plant light for it, as I bought one for my daughter! We have the same printer, as well!

    1. Oh that is funny...I've had it for years. Can't get it to print cause the thingies are clogged up with ink...but I use it for scanning photos and documents. For a while I thought I'd have to just take iPhone pictures of them, then I remembered I had the old Epson still. It had been in a closet waiting to go to some collection of old technology items. Anyway, that's great that you have a plant light. I've always wanted one! Maybe this will be the year I get one...maybe not! Enjoy your orchid!

  8. I'd be out of my depth looking after flowers.

    1. I like having them around, much as other people have pets. I don't have to brave the weather to walk them like dogs, nor do I have cat fur all over the house any more. Just plants.

  9. That's quite a beauty! I never thought about raising them until we rented this place with orchids in pots in the back garden! Our climate seems to be perfect for them.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.