Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Within You Without You

A bit of Eastern Indian music the Beatles brought to the west...I've borrowed the link to the YouTube channel from another blog Love is a Place.

A Beatles Tune done again by The Analogues...thanks George Harrison

We were talking about the space between us all

And the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion

Never glimpse the truth
Then it's far too late

When they pass away
We were talking about the love we all could share
When we find it, to try our best to hold it there with our love
With our love, we could save the world, if they only knew

Try to realise it's all within yourself
No one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you

We were talking about the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know
They can't see

Are you one of them?

When you've seen beyond yourself then you may find
Peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you

—The Beatles

I just finished seeing "Don't Look Up."

I haven't watched a movie for a long time. It will be a short time before I see another one, just to have an experience to wash this one away from my mind. Of course it's important to see the last last, after all the credits. As they say, watch it till the end. 

Character development. Not much, just a copy people on today's news.
Plot - really vapid...the end of the world.
Redeeming qualities? It may be moralistic and have a message parallel to that of climate change, but it is just drama.
So the end of the world is on a lot of people's minds...this is not really entertaining.


  1. Hello,
    I did not recognize this Beatles song, my hubby knew the song. I watched the "Don't look up" movie, it was ok but not one of my favorites. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. I had never seen the instruments being played, which was what captivated me in this video. I guess I'd heard it, but not registered much about it when originally made.

  2. Daughter has watched the 8-hour Beatles special, where it is. Disney maybe.

    Couldn't abide that movie. I got the point within 10 minutes. It was driving me up the wall.

    1. Yep, I was glad I could "fast forward" a bunch of times, then took an over night break about halfway through. But was captivated that it went on after the credits, so wanted to see what happened then. That was kind of fun!

  3. We really liked Don't Look Up for all the satire.

    1. Oh yes, having Merle Streep play a tRump-ian president was delightful!

  4. ...the sitar has such an interesting sound.

    1. And really looks hard to play (all those strings!!)

  5. Replies
    1. Like I commented before, I hadn't noticed it really until seeing the instruments played in this video.

  6. I loved listening to that song. I hadn't heard it in such a long time. I remembered every word. I was a big George Harrison fan back in the day, and really appreciated his time with Ravi Shankar and this kind of music. Thank you for reminding me.
    We watched Don't Look Up. It was long and sometimes boring to watch, but we stayed with it. It has been reviewed as an allegory for climate change and the end of the earth that we are watching unfold. I'm glad we stayed with it and watched the credits!

    1. Oh probably appreciated this more than most folks! I was really happy to see the players of the instruments. Yes, the movie was definitely long, and the final cut after credits was worth waiting for!

  7. That's a great tune, I haven't heard it for a long time,

    1. Perhaps radio didn't play it as much as other Beatles tunes...I only vaguely remember it!

  8. Haven't seen DON'T LOOK UP and am not tempted. I do love the song though.


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