Friday, January 7, 2022

My morning


When I wake up, most mornings, I get my first cuppa coffee hot...either fresh made or warmed over from yesterday's pot. (In the last couple of days the coffee maker has been being naughty, so my first cuppa is espresso level, and I turn it off rather than having some overflow, though it probably has built-in safety measures to prevent that.) 

I turn on the little heater to take the chill off the living/dining/kitchen area. The split unit in the way supposedly keeps it at 68 degrees, but it sure feels colder coming out of blankets.

I take my blood pressure, which will tell me whether or not to take a blood pressure pill. Sometimes it's too low, so I can skip the pill.  I finally got my cardiologist to define low, less than 50 below, less than 100 above numbers.

I do my 10 minute meditation, stretch a bit, then look at what's been posted overnight on blog or email. I usually turn on some music on YouTube (which has few commercials compared to the radio broadcasting sites.)

I fix something for breakfast, and while reading blogs and commenting on a few of them, I spoon in my granola and fruit. As soon as I finish eating, it's time for all the pills and then the nebulizer (the machine on far right with blue mouthpiece.) It's only saline solution, but at this point keeps my lungs clear, so I can go about my day feeling ok.

I've noticed the little inhaler part tends to grow mold, so last night I dunked it in vinegar hoping that would cleanse it.

My view when I am not looking at the screen.

Then it's to the shower and get dressed! And I used to have one activity which I'd accomplish each go to grocery, or doctor or something else. It's expanded to several lately, for which I'm very grateful. After feeling sick from this, that or another, it's so good to have enough energy to make it through a whole day to bedtime. I often have maybe 15 minutes of Physical therapy, then 10-20 minutes of cardio by walking up and down the hills my apartment sits on. My goad is 10 minutes of cardio four days a week. And strength training the other 3...which I'm not doing very well with these days!

Here's something I've been thinking about...creating more appropriate names for the months, which we could relate to easier than the old Roman Gods! If you have better ideas, please let me know!!

BARB's year of months:

Joyous - Jan.

Fantasy - Feb

Meditative - Mar

Awesome = April

Marvelous - May

Jubilant  - June

Celebrations = July

Relations = Aug

Satisfaction - Sept

Comedy - Oct

Connections - Nov

Musical - Dec


  1. Good morning, Barbara! It is good to have a routine. I like reading blogs while drinking a cup of coffee. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

    1. It's especially nice to see your early comments Eileen! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. You have quite a routine. I make a mug of coffee right away and later make a pot when Sue gets up, often hours later. What with Flickr, Blogger and local FB groups etc, I can sit at the computer for a very long time and sometimes don't eat until noon. Not often though. I feel in need of sustenance this morning. It's just after 7, and I awoke sometime between 5 and 6 but not sure when. I was semi awake from 4:3o but apparently dozed off more than it felt like afterward.

    1. I get tired of sitting in one chair at the tend to limit my time to an hour or at most two. I do FB groups, and avoid Flickr and several other social media, but seldom post in the FB groups. I do post on regular FB and have a dozen friends I guess.

  3. ...I like your calendar of months!

    1. OK, I'd love any more suggestions! My first thoughts are probably not the best.

  4. I used to help young people in my care with their nebulisers. The mouthpiece etc should be cleaned after every use and some other parts should be cleaned weekly - check your instructions. Sorry if that adds even more to your morning routine, but I think you'll find the nebuliser will work better if regularly maintained.

    1. I would often have fevers (throughout the year) and then didn't pay enough attention to the the mold would grow, and give me more fevers. So I'm paying a lot more attention to washing it out every time I use it. I will work better if I do that maintenance!!

  5. You do have quite the routine there. Makes me feel like a total lazy bum. I make tea and toast every morning for breakfast. If it's not raining or windy enough to blow us away, we go for a morning walk. We're pretty much couch potatoes these days.

    1. I wish I had a comfy couch, and the one I do have is ok, but I sit in it last of all the 6 chairs in the living room! Being a couch potato does require a good couch, I think! I don't have a book that really is engaging me at this point, but will spend a few hours on one if I do!

  6. My routine is very loose. A lot depends upon when I make breakfast for Dan and myself. I usually read the paper after breakfast as I finish my cup of tea. I like to exercise but sometimes that happens before breakfast and sometimes afterward. Today that didn't happen until 11 am. Here it is after lunch and I'm just reading blogs which sometimes happens in the morning and sometimes in the evening. I think a more set routine like yours would be better but it won't happen.

    1. Ha ha, I understand completely. If I didn't have to sit here while I inhale the saline solution for 20 min. I probably wouldn't be as dedicated to reading things on the laptop. Since I have to hold the nebulizer with one hand, I can't very well type while doing I wait till later to do comment replies.

  7. My mornings are quiet. I speak very little to anyone before I'm ready.

    1. THat works just fine. These days will more and more quarantine and cold, I have cut back on some of my outdoor/out of the apartment activities.

  8. I like your month names. Stay warm and stay well!

  9. When it's this cold, I find it hard to get up. But I have to feed the dog and the birds and the dog will remind me by howling.


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