Monday, January 24, 2022

Memories of snow


Back in 2011...a friend and I drove then walked around in the snow. I had another little Toyota and apparently could drive on slightly snowy roads...without much thought as to whether I could stop at the end of my drive, or drive all the way to where she lived up Little Rainbow Mountain.

She took this photo of me, but since then has died. So when I see it I think of her. And how I'd take her places in her last year to see and enjoy things. She gave me her own playful spirit, which I don't seem to keep much of these days eleven years later.

I wrote this on Thursday last week. The snow had somewhat melted or been shoveled in many places. It rained for a couple of hours, but was above freezing, so I carefully drove away from my hilly apartment. It's much steeper than the hill where I lived in 2011. I was glad the road had been plowed.

But as soon as the rain let up, the temperature went below freezing, and isn't due to warm again for at least 48 hours. So now I'm homebound again with black ice on many slopes. 

Any more old snow photos I can share?

A nicely cleared road looking down to the lake. Dec. 11, 2018

Patterns of ice and snow melting on the windshield.

One photo you may have seen before, of snow on the mountains  (known as the black mountains) looking over Lake Tomahawk. Dec. 22, 2018 (may have been when I saved the photo, but I think it's the date I took it.)

an interesting read.

Today's Quote:
When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live our lives more graciously.


  1. ...Lake Tomahawk look beautiful is every season. Be careful of the ice.

  2. Hello,
    Pretty photo of you in the snow and a nice memory of your friend. The last photo of the lake and mountain view is beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your new week!

    1. It is one of my favorites, which I use as a header several times a year.

  3. We are still pretty close to hibernating even though we got out for a brief car coffee the other day.

  4. Lovely to see that photo from a decade ago and all that snow there. The views there are so beautiful.

    1. Thanks, I had wished for snow, but missed being able to go see the lake and other areas that look pretty with it.

  5. A nice memory of your friend taking your photo in the snow, Barbara. When I lived in Brooklyn, NY< two friends and I would gather in a local park very early in the morning and walk around a track 3 times for almost 3 miles every weekday for 15 years! We'd have a lot of fun on those walks. One friend has since passed away but I like to think she is still walking her dog along with us. I know snow is a novelty where you live. Be careful driving and walking in it!

    1. Great memory. Glad you spent time with your friends.

  6. Thanks for the link. We just had a supply of those masks delivered.

    1. I haven't opened my box of masks yet. Already have one a friend gave me.

  7. I like the mountains!
    You look terrific. We're knee-deep in snow right now.

    1. That's more snow that I'd be comfortable with. Enjoy !

  8. Those are wonderful shots.

    We're in the deep freeze here.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.