Sunday, January 16, 2022

I blame it on the book

 "Braiding Sweetgrass" inspiration. No I'm not going out to teach biology, but I will talk with the plants I see, and admire new ones. Thanks to Robin Wall Kimmerer.

I just finished re-reading about her learning her native language, where every "thing" is described as a verb rather than a thing.

Then the next chapter was about capturing sap from the maples in her yard with her daughters, and making maple syrup.

I crave pancakes now. My syrup is pure maple, bottled in Ohio. I must wonder where the maple trees were which provided this delicious nectar.

I've got my blueberries from Peru, via Ingles Grocery. No kidding.

 So I shall enjoy mixing together some flour, milk, baking powder and and an egg and heating my skillet in which I'll gently pour the three rounds of batter and toss a handful of berries on each one.

After pouring on the syrup (which is kept cold the whole time and returned to the refrigerator) I reheat everything 15 seconds in the microwave for my serving.

 I let the rest cool on a rack and will put them in a bread-bag and then keep them in the freezer. They make wonderful breakfasts, but I seldom use syrup on them then. I just butter the toasted ones with a sprinkle of good tasting yeast.

See you later...yum yum!

Today's quote:

We invented phonetic writing so we could put our sounds down on paper and, by glancing at a page, hear someone speaking in our head—an invention that became so widespread in the last few thousand years that we hardly ever stop to consider how astonishing it is.

—Carl Sagan
Billions & Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death


  1. Hello,
    Your blueberry pancakes look delicious! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks for dropping by...snowy morning here on Sunday. Have a happy week yourself!

  2. Those blueberry pancakes look so yummy. I haven't pancakes in years. Now I want to make some. Yum!

    1. They were indeed yummy. I've just got 3 left in the freezer (this took place about a week ago). I just fixed some potato pancakes (well an egg and baking powder mixed into left over mashed potatoes). Enjoy whatever you are inspired to make!

  3. Pancakes sound good for lunch. We have maple syrup.

    1. Well I should expect so! Hope you have a good lunch, with or without pancakes!

  4. I've seen your comments on other friends' blogs. What a great post! We have several maple syrup farms nearby. Lots of people do it just for their families, as well!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll definitely check out your blog. Yes, I've seen your comments as well elsewhere! Welcome to my blog too!

  5. Yummy! Enjoy them and your day.

    1. Thanks Bill. I sure did, and have one more batch left in the freezer. I'm hoping our elec. doesn't go out with this far just snow, but wind and ice are forecast too! That's why I'm saving those in the freezer, in case I don't have a way to cook!

  6. I never thought of freezing pancakes--what a good idea!

  7. I love syrup. There's no shortage of it here.


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