Tuesday, January 11, 2022



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This was on the back of the door in the pulmonologist's office the other day. I quickly clicked a photo of it, but didn't read. I remember when first diagnosed with COPD, they told me that it used to be just Emphysema or Bronchitis. But they (probably the American Medical Association) decided that these very different lung diseases should be just one.

My Bronchiectasis is a sub-set of bronchitis. But every time I have a 6-month check up, I'm feeling fine. Glad that I have definite swings in that direction, when I remember the uglies of fevers and coughing. 

OK, grateful to be relatively healthy today. Going to Physical Therapy in a few minutes, and it's probably my last treatment for back sprains that were from bending forward the wrong way. I still tend to do the wrong way, but am working on strengthening my core so I do it right.

Updated...the Physical Therapist didn't have a voice when we started our session, so he canceled it. I'm now scheduled for 2 weeks down the month. Hope he's feeling better soon. And I'm diligently doing my PT exercises. 

Today's quote:

​​Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something. -Gertrude Stein, novelist, poet, and playwright (3 Feb 1874-1946)


  1. The synchronicity is shocking as I have a post mentions COPD going up in a day or two. I hope you fare better than the person in question in my post.

    1. And it happened to me last night when Brene' Brown's name was mentioned (I think on the news!) and I was reading some posting and there her name was...within the same breath! And there wasn't anyone around to share this with...so you are reminding me of the occasion! Thanks!

  2. Hello,
    I hope all goes well with your therapy, everyone needs to stay healthy. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I need a cheering section to say go go go! every day or so. Whenever I want to put off doing the exercise!

  3. ...years ago when I was working, I would get Bronchitis every fall. Thankfully that hasn't happen for a while.

    1. Our environments do cause a lot of these breathing problems! Glad you're feeling better. Since I like nature, I hope my walking around will be easy breathing when I can get out there again (it's just too darn cold this morning!)

  4. Maintenance is the thing after a certain age. Sounds like you're doing it right.

    1. And maintaining the things I use to keep healthy too! Not just me, myself and I. When do I get to relax by the beach with a drink? I'm really feeling the urge!!!

  5. Oh yes to daily maintenance. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis years ago, and I walk and do stretching exercises daily to my old bones intact. We do what we have to do to keep on keeping on.

    1. Great to hear you also are doing maintenance. I tried going outside to walk...and just picked up the bottles of juice in the trunk, which fortunately hadn't frozen inside the cooler. It usually is for hot days, but this time a long cold night was their haven. It hurt my skin on my face. That's not when I can be outside long. So I'll do Qi Gong Shao Lin breathing exercises (there are just 5 of them) with the instructor on YouTube.

  6. Good to hear you don't have COPD right now. I try to exercise either strength training or aerobic almost every day. I use YouTube videos from Curtis and Leslie Sansone. I have quite a few bookmarked so mix it up. It's important as we age.

    1. Yes to the YouTube videos. My cardiac rehab also posted some on their own channel. I should be doing more...the swan-song of January! But I'll just do as much as I can, and have a goal to increase this work, because I'm worth it (another January tale!)

  7. Hi Barbara, With the latest version of Covid making the rounds and your PT provider unable to talk, cancelling might be the better of two evils. I'm sure that you can do some exercises at home. My better half is doing PT for her ankle but she also has a plethora of exercises to complete at home. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Yes, as I just answered Marcia above, I do have resources at home, besides just being outside (waiting for warmer weather!) Thanks for your comment!

  8. Both my parents had COPD, and my first husband had emphysema. They were all smokers, which may have contributed to my allergies. Well, good luck with PT. I just scheduled four sessions of PT for my core. It's always something.


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