Thursday, January 13, 2022

Checking on the orchids


The one I purchased last year (and haven't repotted) has plenty of bulbs. I think it has white flowers with a purple center.

The oldest of my plants, which was repotted 2 years ago.

This shows my living room windows...with good southern winter light coming in most days.

This pretty lady was a gift from my son Russ. So I've only 3 orchids in all, but they have so many blooms, and yet the structure is exactly the same on all of these.

These were the first to bloom this year, and still has more buds than believable!

I think I've posted a couple of photos twice in this one series. Must have been mixed up with the different batches! (I've got a great excuse, living my 80th year!)

Today's quote:

“Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there,” or being in the present but wanting to be in the future.” 
Eckert Tolle


  1. Hello,
    Your orchids are looking beautiful, love the blooms. I wish my house had more sunlight, we have too many trees around us.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I would guess the shady trees do make your house more comfortable in summer! And at least you can have plants outside, not to mention bird feeders! I like when you show photos of birds right outside your window! Thanks for your early comment!

  2. have a lot of enjoyment from these orchids.

    1. It's more fun talking to them than the walls! And there's a certain response, their beauty, which I can capture with a camera! And they never talk back!

  3. Lovely, as always. We have no good exposure in your E-W townie.

  4. Your orchids are so beautiful. My one orchid is still languishing. I don't know what to do with it anymore. Ten years and only one bloom in all that time.

    1. Let it dry out. Sometimes that stimulates plants to bloom. Of course you give it an ounce of water every week. They are funny things. I'm sure you talk to it!

  5. Your orchids are doing well and look lovely. Your header is absolutely beautiful.

  6. They do brighten up a dreary winter day and keep you company.

  7. Looks to me like your green thumb gets lots of exercise.


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