Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What do you really want for Christmas?

When Santa doesn't even have any eyebrows to match the beard! This is my lovely daughter-in-law, Barbara, of St. Petersburg, FL.

Barbara's sis, Bev was the elf for the evening!

And here St. Nick was riding the last float in the Black Mountain Christmas parade. From Valley Echo photos.

The Ole's Guacamoles float included some strange critters...but the kids weren't scared of them, so I guess they're harmless.

A cold grey day didn't keep many of the Black Mountain families away. But unfortunately it did dissuade me.

All I want for Christmas is more time with my family - sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. I sure do miss them. Sometimes they feel like strangers to me. But I'd like to get to know them again.

With the horrific tornados which recently impacted so many families, I'm suddenly aware of how fragile our lives really are. I just want to hold all my loved ones real tight!


  1. You certainly love your parades in the USA; they're not so much of a thing here. However I'm sure there are many in the UK who echo your Christmas wish to spend more time with their families. It seems that whenever we glimpse light at the end of the Covid tunnel then another variant pops up its head and plunges us into darkness again.

    1. I think there are maybe 3-4 parades in Asheville and Black Mountain yearly. There are lots of civic groups and even commercial entities which help make them happen. I sure am tired of COVID-19 in all its versions. I do need to be more careful to be safe, though. Being tired of it may make me lessen my safety.

  2. ...appreciate each day as it comes your way and all of the important people in your life.

  3. John is correct about parades in general, but we do Santa parades really well.

    1. That's great to know that Canada has it's interests in parades.

  4. Lovely family photos and so much holiday good cheer.

    1. I wish I were with the family in these photos. I get to see photos of other people gathering usually.

  5. Tis the season to spend with our love ones. We can't even predict where this virus is going next, so time with family is very important.

    1. You said it...do what we can to get close to loved ones.

  6. Barbara, I know what you mean about missing family...and the grandchildren going their own way...growing up and experiencing life without us. Ours are 18 and 21 and while their good kids and students too, we are lucky if we see them more than twice a year...once in more than a year in the pandemic year that preceded our July visit. Time flies... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. My sister lives in western Kentucky. I am thankful that the tornado did not hit her town.


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