Friday, December 10, 2021

The coffees and yearly physical exams.


We were celebrating that we'd both had our yearly physicals...with different doctors, this morning.

And another friend is due to have hers soon too. There must be some reason behind this.

My results of my blood work show my cholesterol numbers are good. I'm just a bit low on protein, so will put more effort into eating tofu and beans! Vegetarians don't get a lot of protein, but usually it's enough.

I was looking for the vitamin B results, but he didn't have that ordered. So I'll wait till next year to find that out. All the rest of the tests were ok.

I gladly had a coffee with my friend and caught up on each other's lives.  Then I went shopping for groceries...what might be called stocking stuffers.

Oh, I'm wearing a hat till Sat. when I finally will get my hair cut. It had to be postponed like everything else.

We stayed pretty well spaced away from any other coffee drinkers.

This is the reverse view from the last one...with a rack of chocolates forming the frame on the right. I especially like seeing my friend's silhouette against the window. So I'm going to see if it has enough pixels to enlarge that portion...

Ah ha is in order...look what I found when cropping and just letting it enlarge by itself!

Yes, a bit fuzzy, and I could do with a little light endarkening (not knowing what the correct editing term would be.) But just look on the far left, and there's a mirror which captured my friend's face! I wish I knew more about photo editing, because this was such a fun discovery...and I do plan to show it to her!


  1. I am glad you could celebrate good results from your yearly physical. The coffee place looks nice and welcoming.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks, that is my favorite coffee place. I was sorry to see a second Starbucks go up a few years ago...much prefer the Dripolater!

  2. ...I recently had my physical and the doc said that I was in good enough shape to buy green bananas.

    1. That's good news...I bought green pears...which usually sit out to almost ripen, then go in fridge. About a week usually.

  3. Catching up on your week--sorry to hear you've been sick-- but good on the cholesterol! Ah, balance--it's everything.

    1. I think the pneumonia diagnosis is not accurate, but I don't feel bad taking the antibiotics. Yes the idea of balance is very important...need reminding frequently!

  4. Darkening would be 'burning.' The term is from the old darkroom days when you kept the enlarger's light on a certain area a little longer to 'burn it in' and, therefore, make it darker. Holding back the light to make an area lighter in the print was and is called 'dodging.' The terms continue to be used although the context is gone, but they are often accompanied by the explanation. They would hold back the light by using some sort of tool between the enlarger and the paper, perhaps for just a few seconds.

    1. Yay, now I'll see what burning and dodging might do to that photo...with my computer's edit program. It's pretty simple.

  5. I'm so glad the results from the physical exam was good. Yay! I love the photos. You and your friend looks so happy! It's wonderful to see your faces.

    1. Thanks, I'm pretty happy about the results as well. It was nice to be with a friend who I've even traveled with in her car without a mask. We're both careful and have been boosted.

  6. I'm always relieved/happy when my physical exam results are decent. My cholesterol is a little high but the doctor didn't suggest any medication. Whew. I wish I had had a coffee date with a friend afterward!

    1. I'm on meds which bring my cholesterol down...would love to get off some of them. It sure was nice to meet Helen for coffee. We're even going to meet for desert at my house with another friend next Mon. Looking forward to seeing both of them and sharing tea and goodies.

  7. Replies
    1. I got a kick out of finding that mirror reflection!

  8. Lucky for you to get out and get a good report. Covid case numbers are really bad here, maybe highest in US. We are reassessing our exposures and even canceled a trip to Maine for after Christmas because of bad numbers.

    1. Oh that's too bad, but better to miss a trip now than get sick. Sure hope this new variant will go away soon.

  9. Barbara, Nice to be out and about with a friend... What little hair I have won't be cut until my better half can stand long enough to cut it for me... Sometime in January for sure. My physical is scheduled in just a couple of weeks... Should be interesting at least. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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