Wednesday, December 8, 2021

If you have/had a veteran in your family...


Or family of one. This is the Veterans Cemetery in Black Mountain NC.

These people were looking for a headstone, and carrying a bouquet of flowers.


  1. ...war never solves problems.

  2. I agree with the comments above, war is not the answer and a waste of lives and loved ones.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  3. My father was a WWII veteran. He raised four kids who turned out to be anti-war pacifists. He was proud of our passion for peace. Still we honor those who served.

  4. Dad was an Army chaplain in WWII serving in the Pacific. He volunteered even though he was married with 2 kids and 1 on the way. I liked seeing President Biden and his wife putting wreaths at the WWII memorial yesterday. He has so much more class than our previous WH occupant.

  5. Barbara, Wow! Shingles backed up with pneumonia! Egads! Hopefully, you'll soon be clear of all ailments. My dad was killed in Czechoslovakia on May 6, 1945 and he's buried in France. My second biggest charity is the Wounded Warrior Project...right after our area's food bank. While I agree that war isn't the answer to the world's problems...sadly it isn't going to go away. Reality bites! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.