Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Dawn of a new day


This is how dawn looks where I live. With the solstice just behind us, I've been waking before dawn many days.
I love looking at all the ancient artifacts that mark the winter solstice...where the sun appears through a special opening each year (if it's not cloudy that is.) But I've concluded that they had more meaning than we've attributed to them all. I have an inkling that they knew something else, and were trying to communicate that. Perhaps that the sun had just started doing this...or maybe there was some big and amazing astronomical event that also was being marked. Our limited intellect cannot figure it out yet.

The tree on the right with reddish fronds on the ends of it's branches is a Sourwood.  Most of the others I look through are maples, no sugar among them however!

Today's quote:

The theory of democratic government is not that the will of the people is always right, but rather that normal human beings of average intelligence will, if given a chance, learn the right and best course by bitter experience. -W.E.B. Du Bois, educator, civil rights activist, and writer (23 Feb 1868-1963) 


  1. We missed the live broadcast from the sunset at Maes Howe on Orkney, as we were out just before 4pm, but we did watch a programme about it that included footage of the sunset rays illuminating the tomb inside.

    1. That's so cool, to be able to watch Old Sol at it's furthest moment in it's travels (as we know it is the earth's tilt of course).

  2. Hello,
    I am awake before dawn too, Pretty views of the trees and sky. Great quote!
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Good morning and I hope you also have a great day today...and throughout the holidays. Enjoy all the sharing and laughter, and music and lights!

  3. At this time of year, it is hard not to get up before dawn. I sure did this morning, and I am not overly pleased about it. 😀

    1. I'm surprised my 7 o'clock wakening found it so light outside already. Sorry you have the grumps about rising early...and I know deprivation of sleep can certainly make one grumpy!

  4. ...each day allows us a new start.

  5. Enjoy the extra two minutes of sunshine you will have today, and look longingly towards spring!

    1. Every minute does add up! We do have a few more months of winter, though, don't we!

  6. Beautiful shots.

    For all the advances we make, there are things the ancients built and did that we're still trying to figure out.

    1. Thanks. Yes, I do wonder what kind of beliefs they had before much of science came along.

  7. Lovely photos, Barbara.

  8. There was some construction going on that woke me up today and it wasn't appreciated by us or the neighbors. We'll see how tomorrow goes, hopefully a lot better. Nice photos, Barbara and before I forget for the third time, I like your header, it's a beauty.

    1. Nothing fun about that alarm of construction machines! Thanks, I think that header photo is a couple of years old. I also hope you can wake more gently tomorrow!

  9. That's a great quote! I'm borrowing it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.