Sunday, December 5, 2021


 That's my word for the day.

I started by climbing the steps at the doctor's office without grabbing the hand rail...and then left with the same focus on my steps. Yes, I can do this! It was the day last week when I gave my blood for my annual physical. So I don't have any complaints about this old body, for a change!

I now need to go do some household tasks.

But besides the mundane tasks of life, I do wish to focus on balance some more.

It's a way to accept that there's a dark force that equals the bright one which I usually think about. As they said in the Star Wars movies, May the Force Be With You...meaning that positive one.

But they would never have had a plot without the concept of a dark force. Which of course was evil personified.

Three generations of men in my life...on l, grandson William, in back grandson Michael, next ex-husband Doug, and on r. eldest son Marty, father of the two younger men!

I tend to want to consider a different basis for our lives...not the duality of good vs. bad. I guess I'm more of a circular or even spiral design thinker. Some days that works, and some day I have to push myself over the edge so I fall into a new space. Like right now.

I just got upset about someone parking in my parking space. But then I parked illegally and came inside and ate my pizza and read my emails, and left the huge pushcart full of clean clothes to be taken care of later. I'm very good at "later." So, just let go of the parking problem.

Focus on what I can do right now. Yep, get up and get my self in gear and make the bed and hang up all those tee-shirts. I wish I could run away. Is that the evil devil influencing me? If I were still Christian I could have the personification of evil to fight against. I'm not even interested in calling this pull towards negativity Satin. I just don't believe in names like that. I create my own negative space, or the positive one.

I have a friend who asks for her friends to only post positive things on FaceBook. I find lots of pretty pictures to share. But then I read one of the political viewpoints showing how there are people with totally evil and misguided information trying to take over America. A bit difficult to swallow.

Balance? Let's say that I see the error of their ways, and definitely don't want to live again under another tyrant like tRump. I realized today that I could make up any story, a complete lie, and base it upon certain previous lies, and it would be accepted as truth/fact, much as he continues to do.

Well, I didn't see that coming. Politics is part of life these days. More than pretty pictures.

It's amazing how GOP leaders spend all their efforts in denigrating Democrats. They (GOP) don't have any of the positive force left. I'm sad about that, but don't have any energy to engage against them.

When I have a reoccurring fever which seems to give me 2 weeks off, then come back, I have to give my attention to my health. I do wish I had an answer to this. When I feel good I never know when it will come back...there doesn't seem to be a particular cause that I know of, yet. Time for detective health-sleuth!

I dropped by our local "urgent care" on Sat. to get a COVID test...which was again negative. But my lungs were somewhat clouded, and they started me on antibiotics. It's been almost all year since I've taken any, so let's hope these knock out the crud. Then I can think straight again. It's amazing how these little "bugs" eat into one's psyche. I wanted to watch a familiar show that didn't come on till 6 last night. But I forgot which one it was, and played around with all kinds of other shows for about 1/2 hour...then found the one I really liked. Geese...the brain is firing on one cylinder.

I'm grateful that I had 2 weeks of health, and hope it returns soon. Until then, I'm going to be the best sickie that I can be!


  1. Looking at it from this side of the Atlantic it seems that there's a pattern of electing presidents who are the opposite of the one before, which is balance of a sort, I suppose. I'm sometimes glad that I don't have a vehicle and therefore don't have to worry about parking spaces. I do have two spaces outside my front door which are usually occupied by my neighbours' cars; I like this as it makes it look as though my property is occupied when I'm not there. I hope that you're soon back to good health.

  2. Hello,
    Balance is a good word, something I should work on too. Great photo of the handsome men in your family. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Keep thinking positive. Take care, I hope you feel better soon. Have a great day, enjoy your new week!

    1. Thank you Eileen. It is a good word, and for more than just a day. Positive energy is indeed needed these days, from thoughts to sharing good times with each other. I hope you have a good week as well.

  3. ...I NEVER use the stairs without using the handrail!!!

    1. It is something I started doing in rehab, to climb to the third floor on the stairs...but I very seldom went down them, preferring the elevator by then.

  4. Sorry about the recurrence. Ruminate to your heart's content through it all.

    1. I do wonder how to ruminate to my heart's content. Probably with a bit of worry thrown in. I'm more interested in being cat...just hiding and curling up. But I also know pneumonia doesn't like one to lie around, so I am up as much as I can, so fluid won't build up in my lungs. I'll be contacting the pulmonologist tomorrow.

  5. You have the best attitude, Barbara... about politics and health! Take care there, rest up and get better.

  6. With my recent injury I am trying to avoid stairs.

    1. Smart. I can't leave or come into my house without 5 steps...and I do rely upon the hand rails. Take care!

  7. Sorry you are dealing with a fever. Have you been tested for lyme? Is there a source of mold around? These are difficult things for a doctor to assess without testing.


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