Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The 23 day progression

Oct. 8...beginning to change!

Oct 22, 2021

Halloween day

And so the progression of autumn colors proceed!

I was awestruck when I woke to freezing temperatures but a sunny morning. There were gentle leaves falling from all the maples outside. They'd just let go and flow slowly down to earth...a few hundred at a time. There was no wind. They had had a bit of frost or dew on them, which got warmed up by the sun. And they somehow decided this was the time to let go. Wow!

Today's quote:

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. -Edmund Burke, statesman and writer (12 Jan 1729-1797)


  1. Replies
    1. I've never been successful with this before, and I always enjoy when other people do some kind of time progression.

  2. ...after 23 days it's still gorgeous and a touch of snow would look lovely too.

    1. We probably won't be getting snow till after Thanksgiving. I remember living in CT and expecting the first snow around Halloween.

  3. A nice series. The fall has been beautiful and color is still lingering.

    1. Thanks...I wish I had energy to go driving around and capturing more of our beautiful autumn!

  4. What a beautiful sequence of photos. The transition is so lovely. I once tried to photograph leafs falling, just to catch it in that moment in air. I never could get a good shot. Now we live where fall is quite subtle and very few leaves to catch.

  5. Lovely to see. I think we need a frost to turn ours gold, there is not much colour so far.

  6. Most leaves are gone here. The oaks in the woods hold theirs longer. My neighbor has a humongous maple tree. She cleaned up the leaves once then had our lawn guy do it. Now it looks like it never was raked and there are more on the tree.

  7. Autumn colors are pretty! Enjoy.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.