Friday, November 5, 2021

Linn Cove Viaduct

This is my last post from the Blue Ridge Parkway a few weeks ago.

Fortunately the clouds didn't mean rain and didn't really dampen our enthusiasm of going on the Viaduct, which was the last piece of engineering of the whole Blue Ridge Parkway. 

It's going to be right around the corner...

Here it comes...

At times we could only see the railing, rather than the vistas of mountains.

But the side of Grandfather Mountain was pretty nice too!

See, down there the sun is still shining!!

This is where we turned around and went back to Hwy 221, which goes through the town of Linnville, pretty straight south to Marion...where we were able to turn onto Hwy 70 and go through Old Fort, then over the mountain pass on I-40 to Black Mountain, and we were home by 4:30!

Before we left the parkway, where most cars were going between 30 and 45 miles per hour...this was the car in front of us, going less than 30 mph.  And there was this young woman standing up out of the sun roof with her camera/phone recording what they passed by. We old ladies worried that she would get hurt if they stopped, but actually she sat down after a while, and we could breathe again!

Today's quote:

We need connection and stories and experiences that help us transcend our own lives to connect with others and ideas bigger than ourselves.



  1. Hello,
    What a beautiful scenic drive, the trees look lovely. The woman in the car should be sitting down and have her seat belt on.
    Have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Helen was shouting "sit down" to her...of course our windows were closed, and we kept our distance in case anything happened to her. Have a good weekend yourself, Eileen!

  2. ...I've driven this section of road several times.

    1. It's certainly worth repeating, and sharing with newcomers too!

  3. A beautiful autumn drive there. Love these view so much.

    1. Me too, but I do avoid going up there on weekends during "Leaf Peeping season."

  4. Barbara, These photos never get old do they?! As for the food being non-compatible with old arteries, I'm in the same boat as you are...but what the heck, food is about the only vice I have left! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I sometimes work on my diet, and sometimes just enjoy what I like. I'm only my heart tells me. Today it was grouper with sweet potato fries!

  5. Oh, wow! One of my favourite places on one of my favourite drives. We have done the Parkway four times over the years, and even in pouring rain I loved being there. Well, except for the wet and scary road down out of it. That is a great essay on crossing that bridge. Thank you for taking me back to the Parkway without being asleep and dreaming of curving around there.

    1. It is pretty, and best experienced when there aren't a zillion cars, but better weather helps too. I was afraid our big cloud would bring us rain, but when we turned around it became sunny again all the way home. The last couple of miles was looking right at the sun too!

  6. Wow, what a beautiful drive and stunning scenes and views.

    1. It sure was a great experience, and one I'll be glad to look at here again and again!

  7. Replies
    1. This was the peek of our color trip, though coming home we kept seeing the beginnings at lower elevations.

  8. Spectacular! I've never seen the viaduct in the fall.

  9. Superb scenery as usual, but I would think that the young lady would have been a candidate for a fine. Or more likely her driver.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.