Friday, October 22, 2021

Autumn on the Blue Ridge Parkway


Most of my photos have been cropped since I took them through the windows of our car, and it's almost impossible to avoid all the reflections. Helen is a good driver, and stayed back aways from the car in front of us. Most of the way up, we didn't see many cars going our direction. But eventually we caught up with crowds!

Entrance to Craggy Gardens picnic area goes to the left here. We stayed straight, er, curves.

And were rewarded around the next bend with some beautiful colors!

The foliage on south facing slopes seems to be turning colors first!

The next post we'll arrive at the Craggy Gardens Ranger Station.

 Today's Quote:

Simplicity of life, even the barest, is not a misery, but the very foundation of refinement. -William Morris, designer, poet, and novelist (24 Mar 1834-1896)


  1. Hello,

    What a lovely drive. The fall colors are looking beautiful there. I am not seeing many colors here yet. Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. Fall is a great time to take a drive,isn't it? It looks like the colours in your area are nearing their peak.

    1. When we finally got to Grandfather Mountain, we weren't disappointed.

  3. ...these lovely scenes could be seen in the Adirondacks too!

    1. Well, then I hope to see some photos of that area!

  4. I love seeing the fall colors there. Such a fun trip you took on that mountain road.

  5. Cropping is a necessary art as most of us can't be the the exact right place with the exact right lens at the exact right time.

    1. And I was in a moving car for most of these shots...and when we arrived at overlooks, I still didn't have real photographic gear. I saw the pros with tripods and different lenses...but I carried my trusty phone!

  6. Replies
    1. So glad. I am trying to break it up so it's not an hour's worth of photos at one time!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks. I have had fun putting together these scenes to share with everyone here!


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