Saturday, September 11, 2021

Studies in pink/purple


The hanging impatients are beginning to get sort of scraggly...and so I picked up a medium size purple mum at the grocery store the other day.

The other impatient looks over the African violet that's blooming again, after being out in the summer heat and humidity. I will probably find someplace inside in the winter for these beauties, though they do tax my caregiving urges...just some of the time, though. If I start coughing as soon as they're inside, they will have to be given away or left to freeze. I don't like that they have those very wet planters, and I believe it's harboring some mold too.

Today's quote:

We’re a nation hungry for more joy: Because we’re starving from a lack of gratitude.


PS...more from yesterday actually.

A challenge about patience. Dealing with medical insurance and doctor's offices.

An appointment that I had made maybe 6 months ago, and an echo test on my heart, and I was hoping to get off some of the meds I've been on for over a year. But I found out at 5:30 last evening that my insurance hadn't approved the test that was scheduled, so the Dr. office rescheduled me for Oct...and when I called the insurance people, they said they hadn't received any requests and the needed documents. So today I've been hounded by the same Dr. office that I missed my appointment...but they always say at the end, if you've rescheduled your appointment, please disregard this message. 

I'm not even sure they say please.

And I did take a photo of my Chinese take-out yesterday. But forgot to include it, so here it is.

The veggies are in a Tofu Homestyle...though they may call it bean curd. A bit too much oil for my taste, since I now do stir fry without oil. But very yummy.


  1. Hello,

    The pink blooms are so pretty. I love the quote for today, more joy is needed. But, I am thankful for each day.
    Have a happy day!

    1. Thanks...being thankful with greeting each day surely helps!

  2. ...many of my plants look scraggly too. The mum look nice and fresh.

    1. The mum is probably fresh off a truck. Thanks to whatever nursery raised these...and I hope it will have second blooms to open as well.

  3. The flower looks great, and I trust you get your appointment sorted.

    1. Well, it was someone from the cardiologist's office who called me to cancel and reschedule. Wish that someone had let all those reminder recording know!

  4. Yes, my plants are beginning to look a bit scraggly now, time to buy a few winter pansies perhaps. I hope you get your appointment sorted out; no one wants to be taking more pills than necessary, though in my experience doctors are quite happy to go on prescribing them.

    1. I went to a plant sale today, and there were no apparently our area must have several more months of hot weather.

  5. Pretty mums--I've been trying to resist bringing onw home just yet.

    1. I know the feeling. If I didn't have several slightly irritating things happen, I probably would have just eaten a bowl of ice cream to feel better. But flower plants do last longer, even than bouquets!

  6. The flowers still look pretty. Love the colors. I hope you get the echo test appointment worked out.

    1. Thanks. I couldn't believe I was still getting emails and phone messages and texts after they had changed the date! I do enjoy those warm pinks. Used to like rusty red, and before that more yellows. Just fun to see my choices change with time.

  7. Your flowers look good. Good luck getting your appointment rescheduled.

    1. Thanks, glad you like the flowers...and me too, hope the rescheduled appointment is approved by insurance.

  8. Replies
    1. There's nothing quite as beautiful as live flowers growing and changing every day.


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