Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Stuck on flowers


And a garden fairy...

Time to water the shamrock...and tuck in her dead leaves. I've not had to repot her and she's been in this non-draining bucket for years...just making her own soil out of dead leaves! What a nice gift.

I somehow thought I dropped my phone when backing my desk chair up. Then I couldn't find it anywhere, so got down and looked under the couch. Nope. Now how do I get up from the floor? I must have remembered wrong, cause next thing I knew I was tumbled over on my back with my feet in the air. That didn't hurt, just surprised. But after crawling over to a chair, using elbows on its seat and then getting my feet under me, I saw I'd scraped my knee, and was getting a big bruise all across my left foot...the top of it. But nothing was bleeding, nor swollen. And I could walk. Whew. The phone was over on the table after all that!

I keep wondering how I got up from helping my neighbor out on the sidewalk when she fell last week. Somehow getting up wasn't a problem then! I was up and gone as soon as the EMT's got there. Wish they'd stayed around to help me get up this morning. Oh well. I see I need to practice using the lifting Barbara muscles these days!

Today's quote:

For though my faith is not yours and your faith is not mine, if we each are free to light our own flame, together we can banish some of the darkness of the world.



  1. Hello,
    Sometimes I have troubles trying to stand back up, I like having something nearby to hold on. The shamrock is a pretty plant, I like the figurine too. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, I asked someone to help me get out of a car going uphill today. He was happy to.

  2. I'm sorry you tumbled in a way that made it difficult to get up. I hope all that bruising is not too painful and goes away quickly. Take care there and enjoy those beautiful flowers.

    1. I am glad to hide the bruises by wearing loose slacks...and sandals which don't really hide them, but the sandals don't put much pressure on them either. I'm trying to be more conscious of carrying the phone in my pocket. Stay safe y'all!

  3. Falling is never a good thing. Glad you managed to right yourself in the end.

  4. I am trying so hard not to fall. And getting up is a bitch unless I'm on a slope or there's something I can push against.

    1. You said it. Get my balance, avoid bumping into things...I feel like a ballerina, dancing through everything with a new balance happening, so I can make it from room to room. Well not really that bad, but sometimes I have a very slow motion dance!

  5. Oh dear! When I have to get down on the floor, I imagine myself back in yoga class. Then I can get up somewhat like I did then.

  6. Yes, that is the recommended way to get up off the floor, as well as not hurrying it after a fall, especially when others are with you and want to rush over to help.

    My phone got wet last night and rain sprayed in through the open window, even though my phone actually that close. I guess they ware waterproofed well enough form just droplets. I was nervous though.

  7. Thanks to an accident years ago, I have arthritis in my left knee. In winter I feel it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.