Monday, September 13, 2021

Memories and dream

Dream after 9.11.21 - perhaps it was a bit triggered by all the news which focused on the 20th anniversary of the sad day when The Twin Towers and Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field became resting places of so many Americans.

On waking on 9.12.21 I was keenly aware of the dream of the leaf that I had picked up, right outside the door of my church, as I exited the building.

The leaf was beautifully white, with veins clearly showing. It was perhaps 6 inches long. And at the tip was a very small circular engraving, for it couldn't possibly be the product of a tree. It was a small mandala, maybe 1/2 inch in diameter. The edges of this white leaf continued around it, but below it I could see a cut line. And when I turned it over, there was a very thin piece of adhesive tape running along that line, holding these two pieces together.

I was overjoyed, because a certain dear woman of our church had recently asked (in the dream of course) for one of these leaves if anyone should find one. I don't remember the name of the tree. But I do remember that Evelyn Carter was the name of the woman. She was instrumental in our children's religious education classes. She was a great free thinking leader who always was able to express herself succinctly and yet in a low shy voice. Others always paid attention to her. 

I remembered (back in reality) that she had volunteered to come to my new apartment a few years ago (can it be 5 years already?) and unpack something for me. She loved libraries, so I asked her to start with the one box labeled books. Maybe there were two boxes, but I'd given away many of my books already, so she was somewhat abashed that there weren't more to put on the one shelf  I designated for books. All the rest of my shelves received pottery, and I wanted to do that unpacking myself.

She died a few years ago, and the church has since named the main religious education room for children "Evelyn's Room." I have no idea why I was visited by her desire for a beautiful precious leaf in my dream. Perhaps leaves of a book connected for me and how I'd really enjoyed looking at her books when I visited her the only time that I remember.

I like that I remembered seeing that white leaf with the patched on mandala design. I now have a feeling that I'd like to make some mandalas again. The last ones I made were in clay...just scenes that were then housed in a frame against a burlap background. I also had cut them into pieces and thus the scenes were also puzzles.

This Puzzle Mandala, with the pentagram pieces is still in my own possession, because it means the most to me.

Details of the simpler one which shows a  mountain and trees scene, and has already sold.

I also am feeling grateful for a neighbor of mine, who left a small painting she had made of a flower, propped against my own plant on a table outside my front door. I had been wondering how to thank her when I had fallen asleep that night.

Today's quote:

Wanderer, there is no path, the path is made by walking.



  1. Hello,
    Sounds like a pleasant dream. Both of your Mandalas are beautiful. Are they hard to make, sounds like it is something your enjoy doing. Take care, have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks. Have a great week yourself...Mondays never get me down, though rainy days sometimes do!

  2. I am always remembered of that day. It ruined my daughters birthday forever. :(

    1. My granddaughter's birthday is the 13th, and my former wedding anniversary was celebrated on the 12th. Whew.

  3. ...we still need to continue to dream.

  4. I love your mandalas. I hope you do start to make them again. They're so beautiful. Lovely dream.

    1. I would like to try drawing simple ones, just to see how my hand muscles are holding any tools. They shake so much now...

  5. Beautiful mandalas. Maybe your dream was telling you to get back to making art.

    1. You may be right, or at least to get out and look at the leaves!

  6. Replies
    1. This was visual, which is the way I tend to remember things.

  7. You are quite an artist. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have vision and talent like that.

    1. I think a bit of training of the eye is the main thing that makes an artist...and you've definitely got that already.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.