Thursday, September 30, 2021

Lake Tomahawk and earliest fall colors

 These shots were taken on 9.23.21.  We'll go back again and check on the colors as they change.

Not sure which  I like of the two shots above, with the tree and grass in the foreground, or without.

And dear fellow bloggers, please remember to wear masks, and social distance, and wash hands. I recently lost a friend to COVID, and another one who was masked and had had his booster shot is due to come home soon from the hospital where he stayed a few days from COVID.

Today's quote:
Words, when written, crystallize history; their very structure gives permanence to the unchangeable past. -Francis Bacon, essayist, philosopher, and statesman (1561-1626)

And my reading just before sleep these days is Winston Churchills' History of the English Speaking People, Vol. 1...out of 4 volumes. It's slow going, because I just have no clue about most of his geographical sights where things took place. But I've gotten to Alfred the Great so far...and learned about his influence to this day...which is gone from my mind right now, so I'll go back a few pages and find it!!


  1. We can't let down our guard.

    In general I like the foreground version although that tree is so dominant that it tends to obscure the background which is the main interest. It would also be nice to get that building in the gap between the branches rather than half and half.

  2. Hello,
    Gorgeous views of the lake and mountains. We are wearing our masks and keeping a distance too.
    Take care and stay safe. Enjoy your day!

    1. And apparently one that I keep forgetting is to wash my hands, especially when I come home from being out in public!

  3. ...the second image is my favorite.

  4. The views there are beautiful. I love them all.
    Really sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, mask up, wash hands, and social distance. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, that hand washing is one I've kind of forgotten!

  5. I like all the photos, having a weakness for water and trees. Covid is still a danger! I wear my mask in public and have now been triple vaxxed.

    1. Me too, but have to remember to wash my hands especially after being out in public.

  6. Beautiful views. The second photo is my favorite. Covid is not going to disappear even with the vaccine so we need to be cautious in how we go about our day. People still mask up over here.

    1. Yes, I hope more people will start masking, as well as getting vaccines.

  7. Churchill(for me) requires small doses. There is SO MUCH to absorb. I've made it through Volumes 1 and 2--now on to 3!

    1. Good for you. I do enjoy getting to parts that I vaguely have heard about!

  8. Sorry to hear that you lost a friend. This is like a tragedy that just doesn't quit.


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