Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Autumnal Equinox

Are you going to do anything different today? 

After all, our mother, the earth, Gaia, is stopping in her tilt to start turning the other direction.  On...

    Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 3:21 pm EDT, the EARTH WILL STAND STILL (while still spinning!) and lead us into Autumn and then Winter.

    I feel so very connected to the people who erected Stone Hinge today! And then all my own ancestors who grew crops and tended animals in order to survive, those who would know that on this day each year, there was 12 hours of daylight to match 12 hours of night.


    Stop your business. 

    Go away from your screen. 

    Look at the sky, the earth, any natural plants around you. 

    Get somewhat connected again back to your belonging to all that brings us our lives.

    As a famous scientist said...

    A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein

    Ojibway Family sharing how they lived in comfort before the western Europeans arrived.

    Not only the older ways are amazing. Here's a video from Pandemic Times, showing the way we  still came together in music! Thanks to fellow blogger Myth and Moor.


    1. Blessings be!

      Today I must get organised in study and garden

      1. Good for you, it's raining here, and I do have some chores to do!

    2. Your description of how this works makes my head hurt. I thought we covered this once before. Help me, Ronda. :)

      1. I only think of how a top spinning has wobbles and will tilt from one direction to another on its axis. Not sure why that's hard to understand. Hope Ronda can help you.

    3. Hello,
      Happy Autumn to you! It is supposed to rain most of today, we will not be able to enjoy any outdoor activities.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

      1. Rainy here this morning too...and I'll need to dump the water that's settled in the planters saucers soon! Will walk with my umbrella to stretch my legs!

    4. Correction Happy Mabon. (Don’t know where that ‘g’ came from 🤭)

      1. A bit of Asian influence in the ether perhaps, or maybe for smoking weed? Happy Mabong to you too!

    5. Today we start the fall with off and on rain.

      1. Yes, we've got rain for the third day now...but it does go away for a while sometimes.

    6. Autumn Equinox is my favorite time on our beautiful revolving planet Earth.

      1. Isn't it great to have cooler weather and the colorful leaves? My favorite season too.

    7. I am very slow getting started on anything this morning. Must be the equinox, right?

      1. Good thought! I wonder if I can use it for a few more days...

    8. The Autumn Equinox is my wife's favorite time.


    There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.