Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Still producing blooms!


The scraggly petunia has some blooms still. Maybe it will be better looking after Aug. and all the hot weather. Of course it has all it's flowers closed up as we sit in continuous rain from Fred and stuck low pressure fronts.

Just about open...maybe a late gardenia. I waited another day, and then brought it indoors.

It is pretty simple...but I love to have the scent of it. Such an enjoyable experience.

I've made a decision. Big decision for me. No more eating unmasked outdoors. And I'm wearing 2 masks overlaying each other to hopefully keep out that darn Delta variant. Plus tomorrow I'll get a booster since I got shots way back in Jan and Feb. This is due to the upswing of COVID cases in my state. I'm back into home eating again, or using take-out. 

Today's quote:

We can discover the meaning in life in three different ways: 1) by creating a work or doing a deed; 2) by experiencing something or encountering someone; and 3) by the attitude we take toward suffering.”
“If one cannot change a situation that causes his suffering, he can still choose his attitude.” ~ Viktor Frankl (Prison-camp survivor)


  1. We eat unmasked outdoors, so long as no-one is near..and indoors too, but only if the cafe is quiet. We rarely eat out anyway. Picnics have been more the rule of late!
    It is worrying that people are not using masks in shops etc...and in England, Freedom Day has resulted in a rise in cases. I am glad that we are in Scotland.

    1. That's good news. Stay safe. Glad you all are out and about, and having some enjoyable times.

  2. ...when gardenias are happy they flower and flower!

  3. We buy stuff and eat it outdoors at home. I am too paranoid to eat in public.
    Here in RI there are still plenty of people masking and store employees are masked, even Walmart!
    Your gardenia reminds me of the bush my sister had outside her sliding door in Florida. Sweet memory.

    1. If only the staff would remain masked...but my favorite restaurant isn't. Another restaurant in town posted on FB that an employee was either sick or had been exposed to COVID. I wonder if they are closed. They said they were taking measures...

  4. Funny that we both posted petunias this morning. I hear you WRT eating out. I think I would till do it on the right patio, but this fourth wave is quite upsetting.

    1. Yep, I thought the same thing when I saw your gargantuan petunia bed.

  5. I'm glad you're going to double mask. We've been double masking since the beginning and just ordered our first N95 masks. The delta variant has hit our county pretty hard here in Northern California. We'll probably be getting our boosters in November and December. Take care there and stay healthy and safe. Love your flowers!

  6. Nice flowers but a depressing postscript. If people had behaved, we'd be out of this crisis by now. I'm back to wearing a mask in stores after a brief respite, and no more eating inside restaurants unless they are practically empty. I've had both shots but no booster yet. I'll wait a week or so to let high-risk folks get theirs.

  7. I anticipate for a long while I will only do take away from restaurants.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.