Sunday, August 29, 2021

O'Keeffe's paintings of Poppies and accidents happen

OK, by the time you see these on your computer/pad/phone screen, they have been photographed by my phone, from a printed post card which was photographed from the original in Santa Fe, NM. But they are closer to the original than lots of prints you/and I see. I do own the glare off the shiny surface.

And Wed. I had an event here (accidental) at the senior apartments... I had just come in from checking the plants on my porch, and decided at least one needed watering, so I filled half gallon jug and went back out on the porch. My next door neighbor (who seldom goes outside her apartment) was lying by her walker on the sidewalk, in her quiet voice calling "help, help." 

So I put down the water and walked over to her, where most of her was sprawled across the Hosta plant, and her feet and legs were entangled in the walker (the kind with wheels and brakes) but her head was on the cement. I untangled the walker, while she said, "Help me up." I said, "Just wait a minute, your daughter will be right back." There fortunately was no blood!

Daughter had gone to get the car, and said a minute later "I left her sitting there on the walker while I went to get the car. She must have fiddled with the brakes."

Daughter was very upset, and tried to dial "911" and someone else at the same time. Another resident had seen this happening and alerted the landlady who then also came over. Several of them dialed 911 and I kind of kept holding my neighbor's hand and talking calmly, while daughter slowly got herself calmed down too. I think it was probably 10 minutes before we heard the sirens that the EMS were coming. I went back to my porch to water my plant. The last thing I said to my neighbor was "There's a rule, you have to wait for a medical person to check you out before you can get up." 

She answered "I know, I was a nurse."

She's now 83, and has 3 daughters. The one who was picking her up today was not the usual one that visits their mom. I think they come and fix food for her and clean up her apartment at least once a day. They said their mom had tried living with them, but had previously liked it here, so moved back in (a couple of years ago.)

So the excitement was over for all of my efforts, while more people poured out of their apartments to see the EMS come treat my neighbor. Her daughter had brought out some pillows to make her more comfortable, and was able to give the EMT's her history (some back surgery). I'm glad we were able to help her.

And I watered the marigolds.

Today's quote:

Awareness of gratitude will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.


  1. Hello,
    I love the red poppies, they are so pretty. I am sorry to hear about your neighbor, I hope she is ok.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  2. Do you know why she fell? If it was just a stroller incident, you'd think it wouldn't be too problematic. But she does seem to be pretty decrepit already, so I guess it is good to be cautious.

  3. ...excitement that no one needs!

  4. Scary--glad you were there to offer comfort.

  5. Oh wow, reading this reminded me so much of my mom and the times she fell. The kindness of neighbors makes such a difference. Thank you.
    Beautiful poppies.

  6. Coincidentally I was looking at some of Georgia O'Keefe's paintings (including her poppies) online only this morning - not sure quite how I got there. Glad to hear that no real damage was done by the fall, though it's always best to get these things checked out before moving someone.

  7. I was involved in a medical incident the other day. A man fell on his head. Gashes and blood. By all rights he should have had spinal injuries. But it didn't seem to be the case. He was calm, alert, and cognitive the whole time I was with him until the medics arrived.

  8. It sounds like it was handled well and there were many supportive people (like you) around. Thankfully. I've been to the O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe and loved it. Both the museum and the city were fabulous.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.