Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Where I buy some groceries

 I've shared in the past that I go to an Aldi's down the road in Asheville.

This week I've also gone to a discount grocery which often has bargains of past-dated items. Some are perfectly ok, and there are also scratched and dented things on the shelves. And some aren't really any lower in price than other stores. So it takes being more aware of what you put in your cart.

On the other hand, it's small and very personal.

Hopey & Co. Grocery (apparently they want to be called Hoppy's, though I always pronounce it the way it's spelled!)

They were called Amazing Savings until some other store that already had that name took them to court and they had to come up with this one. There's also one in Asheville, but I've never been to it.

I sometimes want something, and they no longer carry it. And sometimes (like this week) they have some unexpected tidbits that I add to my freezer. They are offering more and more plant based foods in their freezer section. This week there were many pizzas, with fake meats on them. I didn't get any of those, but picked up some Falafels, blueberry waffles and some ice cream-like stuff (maybe not non-dairy) that sounded a bit decadent with words like chocolate and cheesecake in it.


  1. ...Aldi is my store of choice. Amish folks often run scratched and dented store here. Most foods are fine past the "sale-by date!"

  2. Hello,
    I wish we had an Aldi's closer to us, Hopey's sounds nice. You can find some deals there.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  3. I never knew that stores sell items past their sell-by dates, and ones in dented and scratched cans. Sounds like an interesting place to shop.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those discount stores can be fun and full of new discoveries.

  6. Cheesecake definitely draws me in! We don't have Aldis here, so I shop at Safeway or Albertsons, which is the same company.

  7. We go to Aldi too and we love it. I'm amazed at their prices compared to other grocers.

  8. How is it down there? Grocery prices have really been escalating here.

  9. I don't understand the need for fake meat. There are plenty of vegetarian foods that are satisfying. Unless you have allergies and sensitivities like me.


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