Sunday, July 25, 2021

When news on just one topic is depressing

From PBS News Hour Science Desk, Sat. July 24, 2021

Moderna is evaluating the efficacy of potential booster shots designed to further protect recipients against new variants of the coronavirus. Earlier this month, Johnson & Johnson announced that its vaccines so far appear to offer strong protection against the more-transmissible delta variant.

"Ongoing trials at the National Institutes of Health are examining the safety and efficacy of mixing different COVID-19 vaccines by giving participants booster shots manufactured by a different company than the one that developed their initial shot, or shots. Someone who was first vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer's vaccine, for example, might receive Johnson & Johnson's as a third shot. 
"Federal officials are also evaluating whether to greenlight booster shots for those who are immunocompromised, but have not yet made a decision on that possibility.
"Moderna is evaluating the efficacy of potential booster shots designed to further protect recipients against new variants of the coronavirus. Earlier this month, Johnson & Johnson announced that its vaccines so far appear to offer strong protection against the more-transmissible delta variant.
"Ongoing trials at the National Institutes of Health are examining the safety and efficacy of mixing different COVID-19 vaccines by giving participants booster shots manufactured by a different company than the one that developed their initial shot, or shots. Someone who was first vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer's vaccine, for example, might receive Johnson & Johnson's as a third shot. 
"Federal officials are also evaluating whether to greenlight booster shots for those who are immunocompromised, but have not yet made a decision on that possibility.
I am so disgusted that people are risking not only their lives, but that of so many others, children included, by not getting vaccinated. 

For instance...
"In Arkansas, where only about a third of residents have been fully vaccinated, health care providers there are grappling with trauma and burnout as they once again face a deluge of severely ill, unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. Nationally, about half of all Americans are vaccinated; the state’s vaccination rate ranks as third-lowest in the country
We saw the results of the pandemic on health care providers early on, many doctors and nurses dying from the virus. The states where few people are vaccinated are still doing this to their health care workers. 

And as these quotes show, national efforts are just "wait and see" about the Delta virus...and getting booster shots. This article doesn't even mention the newer variant, Lambda.


So we (myself and friends) are back wearing masks here in Black Mountain. One friend was working at the Tailgate Market and said she pulls hers up just when people get close to her. For me, I had mine up to avoid the smoke particles in the air...another trigger to immunocompromised people.  

But do we just hide inside our houses? Do we listen to all the other topics of the news and cower?

Not I. I'm needing my friends, and one of the best ways we meet is over a casual meal at a local restaurant. Most of the time we eat outside, I'm not wanting to be around unmasked individuals, especially if I'm unmasked for eating.

And I am pushing myself to do some bodily movement these days. Just at planning stages, but I want to return to chair yoga at the Lakeview Senior Center next month!



  1. this area the vaccination rate is high, but none of us will be safe until the entire world is vaccinated. All of us are in this mess together!!!

    1. Yes indeed, we are very aware now that we are all connected.

  2. We continue getting vaxxed here. We passed the USA in % vaxxed sometime last week. Our health unit of many in the province has the best record. I think I read that we are >70% vaccinated or close to it here. I think 70% is considered the threshold for achieving something resembling herd immunity. Or at least it was. That number may have changed too for all I know.

    1. That's great. I hope that nobody catches COVID in your neck of the woods ever again.

  3. Hello,
    My hubby is back to wearing a mask inside public areas. I wish people would just get their act together, get vaccinated.
    Good luck with the chair yoga. Have a happy day and a great new week!

    1. Yes, stay safe, have fun, find animals and flowers and take photos!

  4. Even though we live in an area with high vax rates we still mask when going into stores. I am also being very conscientious about masking when I am gardening. Thank heavens for Filti paper!

    1. You're definitely a "smart cat" as you chose for your on line name.

  5. The news is disturbing. I heard a report that someone hospitalized with Covid was pleading to get the vaccine then. Too late folks!

    1. Geese, that's so sad. That and the 99% of those who have been catching COVID weren't vaccinated at all. I just feel for the 1% who had a vaccination and still got sick.

  6. We're still wearing masks when we go into public indoor places. Our county here in Northern California just recommended masking up again, but we never stopped so no change for us. This virus is not going to go away, and with the new variants we have to be careful. Stay safe there.

  7. It's frustrating that vaccines are available and going unused while other countries are desperate for them.It's frustrating to be masking again--but I am.

    1. Yes, there are supplies going bad because once the case is opened, it all has to be used up, and not enough people at that location want vaccinations. Keep safe!

  8. Never stopped wearing masks. I work with medical researchers and just follow what they do.
    It's so frustrating how people make this into an issue of politics and morals.

    1. It certainly is sad. My parents were religious I never got the polio vaccine. I had to be careful as an adult, when my children did get the polio vaccine, but otherwise I've been ok. I did get the smallpox vaccine though. That an entire political party has been more or less behind the anti-vax attitudes is insane.

  9. I've never stopped wearing my mask, but I'm certainly discouraged and angry about the unvaccinated and their short sightedness and inability to grasp the health dangers and their ignorance of the common good.

    1. Yes, these are very selfish people. My compassion goes to them, because I think "I'm looking at someone who will die pretty soon." Stay safe.

  10. I was one of the first vaccinated back in January. I’m still amazed how many home health care workers and nursing home workers have not been vaccinated.

    As for me, I believe strongly in the protection of the vaccine and rarely wear a mask unless it’s required by a business.I have very little hope that the virus is going away and won’t be held hostage by people who won’t protect themselves. As I move about the country, I am struck by how many unvaccinated folks never really changed their lives in response to the threat, while the rest of us deprived ourselves to seek a common goal.

    I have a feeling that we may be living in a time where this is as good as it’s going to get. I’m going to live fully and get a booster when it’s recommended.

  11. My second shot is booked for tomorrow.

    I saw a clip of anti-maskers and anti vaxxers demonstrating outside a cancer center yesterday. One of them, a woman who's a notorious MAGA acolyte, tore the mask off a breast cancer patient and punched her in the chest. I was disgusted.

  12. I don't understand what is wrong with people. Hand them a solution to the greatest problem they've ever faced and they turn it down.

  13. I don't know what it's like over there, but here it seems that the very people who are refusing vaccinations are also the ones who are complaining most about the restrictions.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.