Sunday, July 18, 2021

A bouquet of pills and a stream


Every morning...the larger ones are mostly vitamins!

A view as Flat Creek passes by the restaurant

Flat Creek, Black Mountain NC

The bridge railings have some rubber mats still drying on them, but pretty little petunias!

This has been this week. I loved going out for early lunch with at friend at Ole's. Had a lovely taco salad! I'm feeling much better and am almost through all the antibiotics! Taking things a day at a time, of course, but just catching up on housework after being sick is my main task. Have mainly been a home-body, so not much of new photos to share.


  1. ...this makes me feel better, I don't quite as many pills.

    1. And I have a certain section of my desk where the ones I no longer have to take live...just a few so far. Maybe most of these can go sometime in the future!

  2. You did well to manage any lunch after such a feast of pills for breakfast! Glad you're feeling better.

    1. I've learned that this many pills does require me to have eaten breakfast first!

  3. Glad you are on the mend. Having one lunch out with a friend would be a very nice break.

    1. Yep, and I even went out with several friends on Sat!

  4. Knowing that you are recovering is enough!

    1. Thanks, it does feel good to be able to do more.

  5. Hello,
    I am glad you are feeling much better.
    The taco salad sounds yummy, love the view from the restaurant.
    Take care, have a happy day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.

    1. It was a huge pile of good things, beans, lettuce, avocado, sour cream, tomatoes, cheese, and pico de gallo. I asked special for the pico de gallo, but there wan't very much. Oh well.

  6. So good to know that you are feeling better, Barbara.

  7. So glad you're feeling better! (My husband refers to the taking of multiple pills as 'pillage.' Off to do some pillage sounds a lot more fun than take my meds/vitamins..

  8. Your title reeled me to see how pills could be a bouquet. And I see what you mean. No fun to be sick. Hope every day shows improvement.

    1. Well, that's trying to make something beautiful out of them, I admit. But I'm glad to have whatever medical science sends my way to keep me going for a while!

  9. I don't like taking pills but I have to take warfarin for my irregular heartbeat. Glad you are feeling good. Enjoy your day!

  10. I am not on any pills yet at this point in my life. Time will tell.


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