Friday, June 11, 2021

More local stuff


Every other day or so I walk up the steep hill of our parking lot...and this wall and slightly overgrown flowers are at the utmost top.

An unusual variety of day lily...variegated!

It looks like the ants responded to the ant bait treatment...last week they were all over these marigolds!

Impatient? I think so. Raindrops didn't phase this bloom!

Many of the petunias looked beaten down by the frequent rains in the last few days.

But I loved seeing this bloom with a raindrop caught on its lip.

On North Fork Rd you can see one of the rock quarries. From the amount of dump trucks on our roads, I would guess there are more around the bend.

Today's quote:

If you want to have a full and happy life, in good times and in bad, you have to get used to the idea that facing misfortune squarely is better than trying to escape from it.


However, to escape from the virus of the past year, it seemed to be a good idea!


  1. ...quarries can be such eyesores, but they are a necessary part of life!

    1. Yes, between how that hill looks, and the road crews working on I-40 ONLY on does have a few bumps.

  2. Hello,
    The daylilies are so pretty, we have the Stella D"doro lilies. The deer seem to love the orange roadside lilies.
    The quarry is an eyesore but the sky is just beautiful. Lovely flowers and photos. Have a great day and a happy weekend!

    1. The Stellas open earlier than the more common ones, that seem to last into summer. Hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Love seeing the daylillies. Ours are budding, but it will be a week or so before they are blooming.

  4. Daylilies work for us by the driveway where nothing else will work, or almost nothing. Plant them and leave them alone for years.

  5. I have day lilies with flower stalks showing now. They will probably be just the orange color. I will diversify once I can expand the perennial beds.

    1. Yes, they may be hardy and pretty for a while each year, but diversity is a good thing too!

  6. Beautiful flowers there out on your walk.

    1. There's always something I can use as motivation, when I don't have friends around!

  7. Nice flowers with great colours, they liven up the day. My wife's grandmother used to live near a quarry and when they blasted, it shook the house.

    1. I live around a few bumps and dales, so haven't heard any blasting, thank heavens.

  8. The plants appear to be doing well.

    1. I just noticed the marigolds on the balcony were all dying from mold...not getting any sun. SO I switched out that pot with one of impatients. Hope they will survive there.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.