Thursday, June 17, 2021

Eating on a patio

 We got take out at Cousin's Cafe', which is Cuban food! Actually we could have eaten inside, but there really wasn't room at the 6-7 tables! So behind the next door shop is a little patio where we were invited to eat. It was hot in the sun, but we found a shady spot.

Cute fake sunflowers cheer up the fence!

This is the doorway that we came through to the patio.
I had one of the only vegetarian meals they served for lunch, garbanzos (chick peas) with rice and a few plantains. It is very good, but $8 for a beans and rice dish seems a bit high to me. But it's downtown, so maybe that rules the price.

They are usually crowded, and only open for lunch I think.

Today's Quote:

You must cherish one another. You must work — we all must work — to make this world worthy of its children.



  1. ...we haven't eaten any where but at home! Nice quote.

    1. The time is coming for the vaccinated to return to some kind of normal.

  2. Looks better than eating inside.

    1. I was eating only outside ...and stil am I guess.

  3. Sounds like life is almost returning to normal there. I plan to take granddaughter #2 out for lunch today. It's the last day I pick her up at 11 am from Pre K. We've been doing the pick up and keeping her till 3 pm once a week when her Mommy works. Lately since daughter has needed more morning time I've been picking her up ad just taking her home. She'll be in kindergarten all day next year.

    1. It is amazing to think about these little ones beginning kindergarten! I have a friend whose littlest granddaughter is beginning kindergarten next year also!

  4. We haven't gone to. a restaurant in such a long, long time. You make me want to find a nice one with lovely outdoor dining like this.

    1. I think either take-away or eating on patios has become the way lots of restaurants stay in business these days...though apparently they are having trouble finding servers. I didn't believe it until I had a few different meals out.

  5. The sun flowers are pretty. I've done takeaway since the pandemic started, and anticipate that continuing.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.