Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sparse but cheerful bouquet

I've enjoyed the scent of the carnations. The yellow mums, not so much.

I could smell the carnations a little! Yay!

I just watched (on 5/12/21) a seminar by the experts who produced the film Forks Over Knives 10 years ago.   It was great to hear of the strides that have been made by people eating whole food plant based diets.

I started Low Fat Plant Based eating after the Ornish program...and this arm of vegetarian thought wasn't even mentioned by the Forks over Knives experts in the film or the seminar on May 12, 2021 ten years later. Dr. Dean Ornish designed a life style program to help those of us who survived a heart episode, offering a way to reverse heart disease. I may waver sometimes from it, but it has good research behind it, and is in agreement with the Forks over Knives Whole Food Plant Based diet. Thank you to all the research which resulted in these healing concepts that are not supported by the pharmacological industry nor the medical insurance industry.   Barbara Rogers

PS...on the gas shortage! Today, 5/13/21 Thursday, gas is back in the pumps. But people are still lining up! Such a funny species!

  • Today's quote:

When we laugh, we give ourselves over to

the immediacy of the present moment.


  1. Hello,

    Your bouquet of flowers are pretty, I like the yellow and red colors together.
    Love the laughter quote. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. Really love having bright flowers in the house. My orchids have finished blooming. Time to consider something else for the spring/summer season. Hope your day is just great!

  2. only takes a little bit to brighten your day.

    1. Yes, and on grey rainy days, flowers inside make me feel much better!

  3. Nice bouquet. Sue was sent one from afar that never arrived. AT least the thought was there.

    1. Oh no! I hope your daughter got a refund! And that she sends more flowers from another source, for the next event!

  4. I did read that the pipeline is running again.
    I'd love to plant flowers for cutting but that's way down on the list right now.

    1. You have delightful gardens (as I saw on your post today) I am in an apartment, but have blooming things on my 2 outside areas! With all you have to do outside, I don't blame you at all!

  5. Nice flowers to enjoy! I heard on the news today of a person filling up a trash/bin bag with gasoline. I guess people really take stupidty to new level these days.

    1. You are right, I've seen photos of many plastic bags full of gas on the back of an SUV. Though many stations had some gas today, they quickly ran out again in some of them because of the panic.

  6. I love having flowers in the house. A friend gave me some roses at Easter and four of them are still looking beautiful. I've never know such long lasting blooms.

    1. That's wonderful. I haven't had roses for a long while...mmm, maybe need to invest in some.

  7. Lovely flowers! No gas at our local Ingles where I shopped today but I still have half a tank so am okay. Not going anywhere anyway.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.