Friday, April 16, 2021

Tree colors

A sunny view of a dogwood.

A bright bunch of fluttering white flowers denotes a dogwood off in the brambles by Blue Ridge Rd.

Maples that are just starting have those reddish things first, then they show the little green pinwheel seed helicopters...then real leaves. The red things and of course the helicopters fall first! What fun to park under them!


Same view on a cloudy evening.

The hot days have meant dogwood blooms have been fast and fallen as leaves take over.

The pale green tree near the far building is a dogwood.

Today's quote:

Like birds flying in a "V," when we feel the presence of others moving along side of us, there is little we cannot accomplish.


  1. Enjoy the colours. We are in a cooler and rainier phase.

    1. We may have slipped into "dogwood winter" since it's very chilly this morning.

  2. ...dogwoods are a favorite, ours are budded up well. They should be beautiful in May.

    1. Ah, you have a few more weeks to enjoy spring...later is often better.

  3. We have snow here today! Any leaves on trees or shrubs are catching the heavy snow and being weighted down. I cut my daffodils yesterday because they would be damaged by the snow.

    1. Good idea...and now you've brought spring inside!

  4. Our trees are beginning to show new growth. The weather goes back and forth, rain and a little sun, warm and then very cool.
    I wish it would make up its mind.

  5. The only dogwoods we have here that I know of are at a museum garden.

    1. They are often planted as ornamentals...especially the pink ones.

  6. It's a great quote and perhaps more of us should take it to heart.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.