Monday, March 15, 2021

There they are...

 As I took photos of other pretty flowers in bloom at the Cardiac Center, the nurse on duty (checking temperatures of visitors) said, look over in that corner where a lot of stems don't have any leaves, but there are those funny yellow flowers. They are related to Chrysanthemums.

So I carefully wended my way through the grass and rocky drainage areas, to get close enough to take it's picture.

She originally said it was Edwina, or something like that. But after I'd had my appointment when I came back out she said it was Edgeworthia Chrysanthemum.

We both thought it wonderful. She told of a former worker who would come out and plant lots of interesting things on her break. And Susan (was that her name?) said she would come out and water them.  That reminded me of planters in all the window sills up on the third floor where rehab has a gym. They are full of spider plants...and sometimes folks take some of the babies and put them in water to root. I almost did it, but have quite enough plants to care for as it is!


  1. Hello Barbara,
    I have never heard of these plants, the blooms are pretty. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Good morning neither. Apparently they are also called Oriental paper plant, based on the foliage. It's a bit strange to flower without any leaves, but reminds me of the dogwood. Maybe it thinks it's a tree. Have a great week yourself!

  2. I don't think I've ever seen a Chrysanthemum blooming like this with no leaves. Interesting. Now I'm going to google around to find out what's happening here.

    1. I did a Duck Duck Go search and found it's more common name as Oriental Paper Bush. I will have to look at it again when it has leaves.

  3. No leaves, but blooms anyway. That seems symbolic of my efforts during the pandemic. They aren't always successful.

    1. Ha ha...I sure know that feeling. I have often complained of isolation, but I know it's mainly my own fault.

  4. Pretty flowers, but no much to recommend the plant, at least this time of year!

    1. Hey! The Danger Garden has an Edgeworthia today too! Two in one day and I've never heard of it until now.

  5. Replies
    1. I can't wait to see it once the blossoms are gone and leaves show up!

  6. I never heard of or saw this pant before--it was interesting to read about.

  7. Beautiful capture and pretty blooms, It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here


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