Thursday, March 11, 2021

Old photos - One.

 I've now learned how my current phone photos download to the new computer and can open here, but I also have at least have around 5000 older photos that do download just fine! I'm discovering that learning new things and ironing out the kinks is a bit more psychologically daunting than just picking up the phone. I reach a saturation point, and decide to cope rather than continue chasing down the problem's solution.

This is my grand-kitten, Bandit! He is sweet as can be, but was already used to the name when he came to join the family, so they couldn't change it!

I frequently sat in "his chair" while visiting, and forgot that cats who own chairs leave a lot of fur deposited there. Of course you can guess where it was after I got back up!

Alice Kitty was a tiny thing when she moved into my grandson's room, where he already had two cats. But they have all become friends...though I think Alice is the more friendly of the gang.

 The two black ones are shy of visitors with cameras, so I didn't capture them on digital.  I do have a grand-cat in Colorado, who I don't think I have a photo of either.


Keptain and Muffin were the two I moved with when I retired from FL to western NC 14 years ago. They weren't related, and would share different areas with me as their central interest, but never had any interest in caring about each other.

Panther was the last cat that I cared for...and she was very sweet and opinionated. We never knew her age, but she lived with me for 6 years before having thyroid problems. I decided I could not have another cat in my life, partly because of how sad I was to loose Panther, and partly because my own health didn't do that well with any of the kinds of litter. Hard decisions based on determination to keep breathing.

Speaking of health, a small post script. I now have another symptom of my elderly cardiovascular system...swelling of my ankles that starts as I sit and work on computer. Which is my main activity these days. Dr. gave me diuretic pills, which will just take fluid from my system. I also find sitting with feet elevated, and having laptop in my lap helps. I guess the inner bits of my system are falling apart a little at a time. Getting old ain't for sissies!

Today's quote:

 Collective heroism also requires widening the circle that defines who matters to you and whose joys and sorrows you share.



  1. ...we had a caleco, patches, she was a sweetie.

  2. I named my Tortoiseshell Patches, and her kitten that we kept, Tiny Patches (aka T.P.) I have loved calico cats ever since my first when I was still in school. She didn't go with me when I left home, however.

  3. I'm glad to know that you are an ailurophile at heart.

    1. Well, I'm assuming you are a gentleman and not calling me a bad name! If it has to do with my having lived with cats all my life, I am guilty!

  4. Very cute kitty cats!

  5. Love the quote! My cat is important to me but I probably won't get another. Having a pet impedes my ability to travel.

    1. That's true. One summer I camped with my elder two sons for 3 months, and I have no idea where my cat went. I hopefully gave him to someone nice. Wish I could remember that!

  6. I love cats and I still miss our duo. But life is easier and less hairy without them.
    Keep putting your feet up!

    1. Oh yes, the hairiness. I keep finding left over bits when cleaning behind or under things, even 3 years after losing my last cat. Of course I shouldn't say that then you know what kind of a housekeeper I am.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, I love visiting other's cats now...and drat the pandemic kept me away from friends and their cats!

  8. Pretty cute looking cats. I always had cats growing up but have none now.

    1. I guess you have reasons for being cat-lesss, like I do. Fond memories, and I hope to visit others' cats again soon.

  9. Cute cats! I like having my feet up.

  10. My grandkitty is a very large black cat who a few weeks ago successfully completed a journey across America from Portland, OR to Burlington VT. After five years my daughter-in-law finished her Phd in neuroscience and recently accepted a post-doctoral position at the Univ of Vermont. She and my son decided that driving eastward on the Oregon Trail in February was the only way the cat could be easily transported. I'm very proud that they avoided the worst of the snowstorms and that their cat Numbers managed 10 days on the road without too much complaint. They are thankfully now stationary but adjusting to an unfamiliar New England climate of snow and sub-zero cold.

    1. Oh how they will remember that trip! I had a friend who went out to Seattle from NC pulling U-Haul and keeping at least 2 kitties happy.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.