Wednesday, March 10, 2021

New computer


After I got my new phone...I couldn't get the photos to open on my old Mac. And I couldn't afford a new Mac. So I got a nice enough new HP computer. I'm still trying to work out kinks so I can download my photos and then be able to post them on my blog.

So far my handicap is having around 6000 photos in iCloud. I'm trying to just find the latest ones. They must be there somewhere...but this computer just lists everything by their image number in iCloud. I also have a Microsoft version of a cloud...One something. So far I haven't figured out how it works either.

Another learning curve, folks.

So I may have some new photos...somewhere. After all I found the one of the computer pretty fast! Just need to find yesterday's group...because there are gardens with little plants in them. Kind of nice, considering we are still having 20 degree temps at night. 

Until I get this straightened out, I'm reading blogs, but not sure what I can post!

I also have the added problem of having asthma which means attempting to solve this simple problem has meant that I've physically gotten sick with coughing. So, I'll be back when I get this figured out!


  1. Congrats on your new computer. I hope you figure out the photos and storage. I hope you feel better.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks. I'm off to see the doc again today. Maybe they will help with cough problem which tires me out. I would have loved to have been walking on the last few days. Grrrr.

  2. There should be a setting somewhere to view photos by date taken. If you can find the details view somewhere up top, it should list columns, one of which will be the dates. You should then be able to click to view in ascending or descending order.

    1. Yes yes yes...finally found that setting, so latest date was at the top. Whew. And then I found that using Firefox as my browser, it wouldn't let blogger download photos from iCloud. So using Chrome, the blogger download was fast and amazing. I've been on the Apple browser for years, and remembered Firefox was a good browser program. Not for me any more. That just shows how being capable 10 years ago don't stand for squat these days!

  3. ...I keep my old Mac going and going.

  4. I just read your reply to Anvilcloud and am so happy you were able to set all those photos by date. Yay! I had my issue with Firefox lately as you know. I'm thinking about going to Google Chrome. I've always wondered about switching from using Mac products all the time to getting a PC. I'm looking forward to your updates about this new computer.

  5. Browser issues are so common these days. I use Edge (habit) but Chrome is the one most programs prefer. If something doesn't work, I switch to it to see if that helps. I'm not good at accessing the iCloud.

  6. It sounds like you've got it sorted.

  7. I have a file system for the pics on my computer but my cell pics are out of control. There should be a better way.


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