Thursday, March 25, 2021

More of gardens in sunshine


Not a very clear photo, but this is a bag of seed potatoes I donated to the garden. Basically organic potatoes, the smaller ones which started growing in the cupboard!

Growing here since 1850...which  is when people were probably just coming into this valley.
The barn. Here a path goes either to the left at the eastern lower side of the garden, or straight and up the hill on the end of the garden, or left along the river.

OK, it really doesn't look like a Forsythia...

Sort of goodbye shots to the horses. I didn't talk to them, because there are signs saying not to disturb them.


  1. ...perhaps your "forsythia" is Lindera.

    1. Good idea...I haven't been back, though I guess all these posts make it look like it...these photos were all taken on one of two days. I've also heard a suggestion that it's Spice Bush...which Lindera is sometimes called according to your research.

  2. You are getting a lot of fresh air and exercise in the nice weather that you're having.

    1. We get many grey and cold days...or rain ones, where I get my exercise going from car at far side of parking lot to the grocery store (my main shopping pleasure.) I just take a lot more pictures than I figure can be digested in one post, then divide them up over several days.

  3. I'm loving your header photo. I don't think I'll see dogwoods up here in NH. I have a forsythia bush in the yard and I took cuttings to force. It's working too. I should have cut more. It will be a month or more before the bush blooms here.

    1. Oh isn't that fun, to get a blossom or three right in your house!

  4. Spring is so beautiful there. I'm looking forward to watching it unfold with lots and lot of flowers.

    1. I hope after today's good rain (and tonight) perhaps tomorrow I can go back to the gardens and get some more photos.

  5. These are beautiful scenes. There are a couple horses on my walking route but the background wouldn't be as pretty unless I could get Mt. Rainier behind them. Right now, it's too gray for that!

    1. Well, line those horses up with the mountain...or the mountain with the horses! Of course it may take your moving about into places that are a bit stay safely away from that pile of manure!

  6. Beautiful photos! I like the two horses by the trees, it's very pretty.

  7. I imagine people are tempted to give the horses a snack.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.