Saturday, February 13, 2021

She said "no" to him, but then she did it anyway

 Which we all know means he'll not pay any attention when she says "no" the next time!

This lady said "No" to the Canada Goose which was following her.

Then she went ahead and broke off some of her bread and fed it to him. That was the clue...and lots of other ducks and geese came over looking for their own bits. Mr. Goose didn't let them have his bit though.

You can tell that it had rained the night before, but the weather gave us nice high 50 degree sunshine for this walk around Lake Tomahawk.

Today's quote:

Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.
—Pierre Teilhard De Chardin


  1. is hard for some to understand.

    1. And with the woman going back on her word, no wonder it's hard to understand!

  2. Replies
    1. I certainly did shout "go away" and clapped my hands the one time a goose came right toward me!

  3. I'm glad this post was about a goose. (Bread is not good for geese or ducks.)

    1. I'm glad you know that...and there are signs by the lake saying not to feed the water fowl, that bread will make them sick.

  4. Learned behavior. He either recognized her as a feeder from before or expected it of any human passing by.

    1. I think when people are eating by the lake, the ducks and geese have gotten used to getting the leftovers. It's sad to see, because so many things can make them sick.

  5. I'm terrified of geese. They are big and aggressive. Love the quote and many by de Chardin.

    1. I have only once had one come right to me, when I had been passing by. Usually they are pretty afraid of people, and dogs.

  6. LOL, that's a funny story but true!

    1. Yes, it seems to be the way the animals continue to get snacks.

  7. People often feed the geese on our neighborhood lake. Sometimes when I go out to fill the bird feeders, the geese surround me because they think I am there to feed them.

  8. If there is on thing that is as sure as death and taxes it is that people will feed ducks and geese no matter how many signs urge them not to!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.