Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Breakfast sausage - plant based.

I'm not that crazy about meat, of any animal. To eat, I mean.

But when there's a good looking plant-based sausage in the freezer section at Hopey's Grocery, I'll try it.

My vegan friend asked what brand it was...she chooses her plant based meats from one brand.

I hadn't seen the instructions to thaw in refrigerator before cooking. So I microwave thawed one link, then cooked it the requisite 12 minutes. It browned very nicely.

 It was mildly spicy, but not beyond my tolerance. This is my created plate, with Michele' and Jeff's mug of coffee.

I never identified any cheese that's in it...and though I saw little bits that looked like corn, they weren't such when I ate them...all disolved easily in my mouth.

The next time I fixed one of these links, by then it had defrosted in the refrigerator before cooking. And surprisingly it was spicier. Maybe just that link, or maybe the method of cooking with that one change. And drinking a sip of coffee made it even more spicy...so I soon learned to take a bite of toast (with nutritional yeast) after sausage, before coffee.

Incidentally, I bought another package of it when I saw there were 4 left in the freezer at Hopey's. They often will run out of things because they get lots of things just in one batch.

Today's quote:

We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong. 
-Karl Popper, philosopher and professor (28 Jul 1902-1994)


  1. Vegan ready made food does tend towards the spicy...a problem for eldest's partner as she has IBS. Haven't the producers heard of herbs...or flavourful veggies?!

    1. I agree, flavors from totally bland to shockingly hot are what I've encountered too. My friend who's vegan has decided she likes one particular brand of "fake meats" and purchases that one, and my vegetarian son does as well. I'm still experimenting!

  2. My husband went through a vegetarian phase in the 90s. We ate a lot of Morning Star products. He thought being vegetarian would lower his cholesterol count. Not so.

    1. I had a friend who loved Morning Star, and my vegetarian son eats their fake patties also, but I don't like most of what I've tried so far from that brand. I'm slowly trying different brands, and so far found I like quinoa patties pretty well.

  3. ...once you add all of the spices you can make sawdust taste good.

    1. And unfortunately, vegans and vegetarians are people looking for good healthy things...so it's a shame the tastes have veered toward cardboard or hot spices. Unfortunately the textures provided to remind one of sawdust often!

  4. Nobody else in the family likes sausages, so I eat them very seldom. Too bad.

    1. I haven't tried the fake bacon since it's probably not going to please. The first time I tried a Kielbasa, expecting it to be very spicy, I used it in a soup, and it was bland as can be.

  5. I have never tried plant-based sausages, and I should! We bought some frozen veggie burgers and they tasted like finely ground cardboard. We also tried black bean burgers and they were a little better. I doubt that I am going to become a vegetarian at this stage of my life, but we eat much less meat than we used to, and have eliminated red meat entirely from our diet.

    1. It was my choice after visiting my vegetarian son and eating some delicious foods...and seeing his recipes on line. I was still eating fish at the time of my rude awakening of getting a stent in my heart - so I decided to try almost totally plant based. I slip off the diet about once a month. But I have enjoyed recipes more than the frozen patties, which just sit in the freezer after having tried one. Maybe they can go into a soup sometime. After all, they are nutritious at least.

  6. I haven't tried any of these plant-based meat products yet. I gave up red meat more than 50 years ago, so not sure what to expect from these products. We eat lot of tofu here!

    1. That's great...and I seem to always have some good recipes calling for tofu. Or I can add it to something else I've got on the back burner. The meat substitutes seem to cater to those who are just trying out plant-based eating...and usually they fail in being the enjoyable burgers they claim to be.

  7. Barbara, I know that plant based meat substitutes are the wave of the future but at my age and stage, I'm sticking with old fashioned meat...and for me, the spicier the better. I have tried a couple of meatless or meat substitute items and they just don't measure up. We do eat less red meat than we used to...and for that matter less of everything that we used to! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  8. We get Morning Star around here when my vegetarian daughter is visiting. I don't like meat very much, especially beef, but haven't gone completely plant based. It can be hard (and expensive) to do.

  9. I've tried plant based variants, but it's just not for me.


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