Monday, January 4, 2021

The gratitude meditation

I was not following any guidance when meditating the other day...just had some background music going. Looking out the window at the fog as it lifted, first only being able to see the top of a power pole at Hwy. 70, then slowly having the ridge line of the mountain appear. The fog remained in the middle between these two points, a valley full of cloud. Somewhere down there the little Swannanoa River wanders back and forth through the valley that carries its name.

Some days my meditation just comes to me. Today, gratitude was top of my list. But not for the things I received for Christmas. I know I'll soon write a few thank-you notes to relatives and friends.

Often meditation starts with deep breaths. And then awareness of parts of the body...starting with the feet, legs and going up each part. But today I started with my heart, then lungs. And from there I focused on each of the systems of my body...muscles, nerves, skin etc. I almost forgot the digestive and kidneys/bladder systems. I did remember hair and finger nails.  

Anyway, it was good to be grateful for all the wonderful pieces that make up this pie called Barbara. What amazing things homo sapiens are.

Today's quote:

Moving in the flow of compassion and deepening enquiry,
we engage with all beings in ways that support the integrity,
the stability and the beauty of the entire living world.

Engaging with this [flow] of birthing/dying living,
embracing it, surrendering to it, [we find that] the mystery
is tremendously integrated.
It is extraordinarily stable.  It has been in action for
billions of years.  It is breath-stoppingly beautiful in
all its vulnerability...

My medicine is wonderment...

Tarchin Hearn


  1. I am often not so sure how wonderful we are, but we do have consciousness, and the better of us have sensitivity and appreciation.

    1. I agree, that many of our kind have proven staggeringly to be hateful, invested in terroristic thought patterns, and violent towards others. Our breed has somehow given the "sports team" mentality to a lot of tribes who rally together and become mobs. I've got a great deal of fear towards them...and little respect.

  2. Hello,
    Great quote and pretty fog image. Take care of all your wonderful pieces Barbara! Have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I have made a bit of a affirmation for myself today. Glad you're commenting here. Have a great and safe week yourself.

  3. All the pieces that make up the pie called Barbara... that's such a wonderful description of life. Beautiful photo too!

    1. What kind of pie might I end up being, I wonder now. First I want to be sweet, rather than savory...though a good quiche is hard to leave behind! Spices of cinnamon and nutmeg are definitely part of my make-up. Fruit yes...and probably a very crumbly crust...which reminds me how much I'm having to moisturize my skin this winter! Ah well, this old pie needs lots of attention it seems. Caring for oneself (one's Elf) has never been so high on my agenda daily! Hope you have a great week, Robin!

  4. Gratitude and giving thanks is a good way to live. Some people are clueless and that's too bad for them. Excellent quote, I like it.



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    The great Illuminati district offers you a life time opportunity of making your heart desires come true. I believe everyone on this planet "Earth" knows about the ILLUMINATI, but for those that don't know much about this Organization, I'll brief you about it. The Illuminati is a secret society that bless man kind and fulfill his/her dreams of becoming a millionaire, billionaire and also promote their various business. At this moment, I believe you've know more about this organization and there's no reason to be afraid of anything.

    I'm not here to mess with you or play games with you because as it stands now there are lot's of people out there who Impersonate us, claiming to be members of the ILLUMINATI. So the Brotherhood then comes to conclusion of Globalizing this organization in order to help those who are actually ready to become part of this Great Family and those that were misleaded by Impostors. Now i believe this is your opportunity to join our prestigious Organization and make yourself and your family proud.

    If you're interested in joining this Great Organization, then contact our Grand Lodge at Pennslyvania, USA via WhatsApp: +1 (325) 261-7127 or our official Email: []


  6. Funny you should describe yourself as a pie. Pie is one of my favorite desserts and I love to make them too. Never thought about myself in those terms. Good for you spending time meditating. I'm sure it helps you face your day every day. I should try that more.
    By the way it's good to have you as a blog friend this year. Looking forward to reading more from you in 2021.

  7. Happy and Healthy New Year, Barbara! Mindfulness and meditation are so good for the body and mind and soul. I was always one to "day dream" but now I know it is not laziness but a need to slow the body and mind down and be more are of my senses and feelings.

  8. ...wonderment is a wonderful medicine.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.