Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Still walking you know where!

Photos from several days ago...yesterday (Mon, Nov 30) I woke up with a temperature, and a different kind of cough...one that wan't productive, and tired me out. So I went to our local CVS pharmacy and got a COVID-19 test. And came home wishing I could go to sleep. Ugh. Tylenol should help on that eventually.

As I completed my circuit on Friday, I noticed this cute house with lots of windows looking out at the lake. During the summer, not much of it is visible with all the trees.

Yep, there I am, at the stopping bench at about 2/3 of the circuit for me.

As I approached the dam, you can see how the waterline is still a bit low. But the lake is starting to fill back up again.

My stopping bench is on the dam, right past the blue sign which shows the names of the mountains.

Having a bit more water, the ducks have returned.

Since straw has been spread all over the dirt near the stream, they may have finished whatever they were doing there. We shall see what happens when it rains next!


  1. Hello,

    It is a pretty spot for your walking. I like the views of the lake, great shadow shot. I hope your Covid test is negative. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks...this series has long shadows, so it must have been afternoon already.

  2. I had a scratchy throat yesterday and became a little apprehensive. Surely I couldn't have contracted it from well-distanced seating at the cafe last week. I am not so nervous about it today. It is probably my cat allergy kicking up.

    1. Hope you're feeling better. After one day of complete rest, I'm back able to do light housework. The fever is gone, but I'm still shaky.

  3. Nice to see that the ducks have returned.

  4. I hope your test is negative. When will you know?

    1. I should know in 3-4 days, so either Wed. or THurs.

  5. Hope you're feeling better. It sounds easy to get a Covid test. Not quite as easy (or cheap) here for some reason.

    1. The lines of cars who have appointments still are indicative of lots of people who think they may be sick, or want to know that they aren't before seeing some relatives or friends. I've got relatives from FL who just called from nearby that they'd like to see me before going home tomorrow...but it will be outdoors with masks for certain! I hope it's a bit warmer tomorrow.

  6. It's great that the walk you take is close to home, it's very pretty. Hope you are feeling better.

  7. Beautiful shots!

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Nice looking water. I certainly hope you are okay. Take care.


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