Friday, December 18, 2020

On the exam room walls


A pair of prints are framed together - and I recognized this as Trout Lilly, one of springtime in the mountains wild-flowers. They are about full size in the painting!

The other one is slightly reduced size Triliums - the red colored flowers. I don't know what the yellow ones in this print you?

There was a very ugly scenery painting also, as well as signs to get mammograms, what to do if you have diabetes, and about 4 more uninteresting signs. I did copy the one about poisonous plants in the area. Not that you're likely to run into them for a few more months however!


  1. Hello,

    They are pretty flowers and prints. It is good idea to be able to recognize the poisonous plants in your area.
    Take care, stay safe! Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. ...they sure beat what is hanging at my doctor's office.

    1. This doctor bought this practice, I think, after the former doctor committed suicide. It was all the news several years ago. I don't know how many of her staff stayed when he bought it, but they kept the same name, and then he was part of a big state wide medical group. Anyway, the decorations have remained the same.

  3. They may look a little different than the more northerly versions that I am used to, but I am not too used to trout lilies.

    1. Wildflower hiking is popular in early spring around here. I like it because they are usually along stream beds, not way up high on the mountains.

  4. Really lovely artwork in that exam room.

    1. I had to wait several times during this visit, so was glad to have these nice prints to enjoy.

  5. I don't remember much decor at my doc's. Perhaps a photo of him fly fishing or at a Dave Matthews concert. I am not familiar with trout lilies.

    1. THey are rarely sighted even in North Carolina, and are tiny little flowers.

  6. Nice, we usually don't see art in doctor's office or the hospital. It sure lightens up the area, something beautiful to see.

    1. My current Dr. didn't do the decorating, and the woman doctor who he bought his practice from had done some really nice things.

  7. Nothing so nice in my doc's, though the hospital in Cambridge is a veritable art gallery with works from internationally known artists alongside things donated by grateful patients - the ones in the children's wards are the best!

    1. I used to volunteer in the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL, and they had lovely art...either rotating, or as they had access to things. I volunteered in Arts in Medicine programs, so was aware how some of the art came to be there.


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