Sunday, December 20, 2020

Happy Winter Solstice

 The light is returning!

Our longest night has given us time to come together and share our many blessings from this past year. And of course to let go of any of the negative energies we might have become attached to. A virtual gathering is a have electricity and some technology which sends and receives wi-fi signals.

The old threads are unraveling,

The old threads are unraveling,

Get your needles ready.

We are stitching a new quilt
of Humanity.

Bring your old t-shirts,
worn out jeans, scarves,
antique gowns, aprons,
old pockets of plenty
who have held Earth's treasures,
stones, feathers, leaves,
love notes on paper.
Each stitch
A mindful meditation.
Each piece of material
A story.
The more colour the better,
so call in the Tribes.
Threads of browns, whites,
reds, oranges
Women from all nations
start stitching.
Let's recycle the hate, the abuse,
the fear, the judgment.
Turn it over, wash it clean,
ring it out to dry.
It's a revolution
of recycled wears.
Threads of greens, blues, purples
Colourful threads
of peace, kindness,
respect, compassion
are being stitched
from one continent to the next
over forests, oceans, mountains.
The work is hard
Your fingers may bleed.
But each cloth stitched together
Brings together a community.
A world, our future world
Under one colourful quilt.
The new quilt of humanity.
~Julia Myers

2020's Winter Solstice (when the tilt of the earth changes) occurs at 5:02 am EST tonight.


  1. Hello,

    Love the poem and photo. I will be happy to see the light returning. Have a happy day and week ahead! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Thanks, and best wishes for you all to have happiness and good health.

  2. Is the longest night tonight or on Monday?

    1. I am not sure, since at 5:02 am EST is when the tilt of the earth changes...which is definitely before sunrise tonight. So I guess tonight.

  3. I was just wondering which day is the solstice this year. I guess it is tomorrow, which is when daughter will celebrate her birthday (such as the celebration will be this year) even though her birthday is today.

    1. You can celebrate any time...and I'm glad you're celebrating your daughter's birthday! Have a nice long night tonight!

  4. ...a wonderful picture of the quilting bee.

    1. I was actually looking for a picture of a quilt, and found a quilting bee instead...couldn't ask for anything more appropriate!

  5. Happy Winter Solstice. A very beautiful poem. Thank you for that.

    1. I plan on sharing it this evening with others celebrating the solstice changes.

  6. Yep, four seconds of extra daylight on Tuesday! The poem is lovely.

    1. Thanks John...every little bit of light and hope these days is more than appreciated!

  7. Happy Winter Solstice. Very nice poem.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Vicki...I hope next year will have many positive changes!

  9. Indeed. I am glad that the days are getting longer.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.