Sunday, December 13, 2020

Finishing a new book


I enjoyed this, as usual with one of my favorite authors. There was the usual action of murder mysteries...and I enjoyed that this one was set in Paris. Obviously Louise Penny had been there and knew a lot about the places to enjoy and eat wonderful Parisian food! And I liked the ending, which was more than just a feel-good resolution to the crimes.

Since I've been sick with whatever, a couple of days ago I slept most of the day. Occasionally I'd wake up and take care of bodily necessities. I was surprised I could still eat regular meals. But my temperature continued to be in the "above normal" range. And I had to cancel all my plans (which were really minimal.) It was strange to wake up every couple of hours and see how the sun had passed across the sky. I missed that it had been a really nice day outside.

How did I catch whatever this bug is? Good is possible wearing the same paper masks has allowed any tiny little germs to transfer from the outside of one, to the inside of the next, as they are stacked. Oh my. Reusing paper masks that are hung on a doorknob seemed like a good idea. Now I'm going to buy a brand new box of them!

I picked up my prescriptions at the drive through Saturday. And they were great at having put aside my box of masks. At least I had a 25% coupon off the price. The sales clerk apologized that they cost so much. But continuing to have the fever which is connected to my cough, and lots of drippy nose symptoms has washed me out for the 3rd time in as many months. I was glad when I walked in from the car that I wasn't as exhausted as I had been walking back from the mail box yesterday. Seriously, I measure my strength that way!


  1. Hello,
    I have read and enjoyed all of Louise Penny's mysteries. Hubby and I have been wearing the paper mask, so far we are staying safe. Take care, I hope you feel better! Happy Sunday, have a great new week ahead!

    1. I started wearing these masks when doing rehab...the hospital said everyone had to wear the same kind. It's what the nurses on the floor wear, as well as other staff.

  2. Toes crossed that you recover from whatever-it-is quickly.
    We use cloth masks that I make. We wash them often, but also a iron them between uses, as heat kills the virus. I wonder if it would be feasible to iron your paper masks. We also store ours in zip bags.
    Here’s to sunny days ahead.

    1. No, heat wouldn't work with this paper. But I've heard washing and using a dryer will enable you to reuse a cloth mask. So far my cloth masks aren't as good.

  3. ...lately there hasn't been a shortage of devils.

    1. Yes, our politicians certain have been a nest of them.

  4. I read that Louise Penny, too and enjoyed it. Glad for the ending which means more books to come.
    You have had a tough time. We use cloth masks that daughter has made and wash them frequently. Hope you feel better. Will you have to have another Covid test just to beside its not that?

    1. Probably not. I am not sure it's completely gone. With the chronic breathing problem, I seem to have a hard time shaking it off. I'll call my MD next week. It's a bit late in the game to have antibiotics (which they usually do). But the main thing is just that my cough is still bad...though no fever any more.

  5. I have loved Penny's Gamache series, but I feel like I am tired of them. We have the audible version. I haven't listened to it yet but will some day. In general, when I watch tv mystery series, I always like elast the episode where the protagonists go out of country. And they all do it -- or most of the British ones anyway.

    1. I go through spells of liking and then not liking an author. It's a good thing there are so many of them!

  6. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take care there.

  7. Hoping you are lots better. Doesn't seem fair to catch a cold while masking.

    1. Whatever it is, I'm so sick and tired of it! No fever now, but cough is continuing.

  8. It sounds like it's been miserable but that you're on the upswing. I wasn't a huge fan of the latest Penny although it was gripping in spots. She's a very good writer but running out of plots perhaps.

    1. I agree, sometime I groan when she starts talking about the anxieties of one character. It's become pretty standard. I'd rather like this one of getting to know a new character and his problems and they sure were a bit strange this time/

  9. My wife likes that author and read most of her books. I hope you feel better soon, take care.

    1. Thanks. I'm a bit embarrassed to have this continue for going on 3 weeks.


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