Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Staying close to home. Cold symptoms but no fever. (And yes, I got the flu vaccine.)

Let me focus on something beyond my sore nose -

I'll look at some old photos and post whatever comes up first.

A horse drawn threshing machine (I think.) It's cutting the grain, whatever it may be.

And look how many horses it's taking. I count 10. 

This reminds me I want to bake some bread. I see grain, and think I've got some whole wheat and almond flour in the freezer, and several packages of yeast. And frozen bananas, which could turn into banana bread.

I just have to figure out how to keep my nose from dripping into the batter!

OK, I've got a bit mug of tea waiting for me. See ya later friends. I also have a lot of presents to wrap so they can be mailed in 2 days. Of course they take precedence over bread!

But I also have a dilemma... how can I tell my 3 adult grandchildren that it's about time they started giving me a Christmas gift? The one who's 35 hasn't ever, unless I am in my son's house, then I got a tin of cookies he made, and gave to all his friends and family. 

Perhaps I should give them a list of things I'd like...since they don't seem to have the generosity gene.


  1. ...I hope that you will be feeling better. I count 14!

  2. Here's an idea for your adult grandchildren: make an Amazon wish list and give them access.

    Sorry you're under the weather with a cold. Wonder how with all the mask precautions you caught it?

    1. Great idea, but I really want people to purchase things locally. However, if I can encourage my son and grands to shop elsewhere, this would work.

  3. Hello,
    Cool photo, there are a lot of horses. I hope you feel better. The banana bread sounds yummy.
    Take care, have a good day.

    1. Thanks, Eileen. So far Wed. has been a bit better, up till 3 pm that is. I'm out of breath easily, so probably will extend myself just to get the mail.

  4. Hope you are starting to feel better.
    I like Marcia's idea.

    1. Thanks so much...trying to be "restful" and yet get a few things done.

  5. Good luck with the grandkids. I guess in the past mom and dad bought their presents for you, and well ... you know.

    1. Yes indeed...I doubt that the two grandsons have done much shopping for anything a grandmother might like. But they have another grandmother too, and I'll bet she'd like to be appreciated.

  6. I'd guess the machine is some kind of reaper-binder which cut the grain and tied it into sheaves, though I've never seen one on quite that scale, usually a two-horse job over here. Threshing machines were stationary machines that separated the grain from the straw and chaff later. Hope you're soon feeling better.

    1. Thanks for knowing about farm equipment. You're so right...though this huge machine is really high on horse-power!

  7. An amazon wish list would be perfect, even if they don't end up buying it from amazon.

    1. I sent a wish list as a text to all of them. So now they can discuss who will give me what. My fingers are crossed, but I can live without everything that's on that list. I addressed it to Santa's helpers.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, I only use Amazon when others give me gift cards...and I still have some old ones to purchase something with.

  9. Hope you are on the road to recovery.
    Take care and have a nice day.

    1. Thanks Bill. Taking it slow and easy this afternoon. At 5:45 the space station will pass over Black Mountain, so I'm hoping to see it...pretty dark by then these days.

  10. Speedy recovery!!! We solved the presents dilemma years ago with a rule that gifts are only for - and never from - those under 12 years of age. The rest may cook or bake but gets away scott free. It works both ways.


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