Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Some outdoor enjoyment


Suzanne and I had our quiches outdoors in a sunny spot a few weeks ago.

The Four Sisters Bakery is located behind a popular B&B...and was doing a brisk business on a warm October morning.  Unfortunately my diet usually precludes baked goods that have high fat content...but I did need sustenance!

While waiting in line to early vote, I spied this pretty tree. The bank who owns that property has signs that nobody but bank customers may park there. Those who wanted to vote at the next door library were walking blocks from where they could find parking. And this bank currently has no walk-in customers, just the drive-through window. Thus they won't allow voters to park in an empty lot, on threat of being towed. A small gesture to dissuade voters. It didn't work, as we had more early voting than ever before. Incidentally, the long white buildings across the street belong to a funeral home, which also wouldn't allow parking by voters in their lot.

On a recent walk around the neighborhood.

My friendly violets greet me each morning!

A Facebook post of a waterfall and the fall colors.


  1. Hello,

    I am glad everyone is getting outdoors, especially to vote. The last view is gorgeous. Take care! Have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I will be going out later today...the sun is shining. We did cancel a lunch date when we saw the forecast wouldn't get much above 50something. But maybe when it's in the 60s I can go for a walk.

  2. ...we had a cold front come through, but this weekend will be in the 60s, ideal for outdoor enjoyment.

    1. I agree...but not sitting and trying to eat hot foods. Those days will return maybe a few more times, and impromptu lunches may occur.

  3. Those businesses don't seem very friendly.

    1. I am sorry to say you're right...and unfortunately maybe people going to the Library (where early voting was held) have abused their parking spaces in the past. But illogical rules definitely keep me from doing business with them! And that's where I voted too!

  4. I'm surprised by the bank's no parking rule. They must not know that some of their customers may want to vote. Mmm?

    1. I look at it as a "voter supression" move. By limiting how many people can vote within walking distance of the polls, some more feeble voters would not get their votes cast in early elections. The funeral home has free driving for anyone to get to the polls today, so they kind of make up for it.

  5. I can bet which candidate the bank and the funeral home were supporting with that position about parking there during early voting. How sad that the American thing to do - support voting by everyone - is not supported by one of our parties.

    1. Yes indeed, Marcia. And I expect more on the news in the next few days. A leopard doesn't change it's spots, as they say.

  6. They aren't very civic minded to not allow people to park there to vote. That's ridiculous. I love quiche and now I want some!

    1. I wish I could find vegetarian low fat quiche. This one was much too much yummy cheese for me. Yes, there are businesses that put up signs all over town about towing if you're not coming to their business. But it's just so strange that with COVID, nobody is walking into the bank at all.

  7. Someone should write a letter to the paper about those businesses or post on their FB page. They need some publicity saying they're not friendly to the community.

    1. At least the funeral home is offering free rides to the polls. I wonder if they use the hearse!


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